ICMAI CMA Intermediate Course 2025 – Syllabus, Registration, Fees Full Guide

CMA intermediate is the second stage of the CMA course, and the conducting and governing body is ICMAI or Institute of Cost and Management Accountants. ICMAI releases the dates, exam pattern, syllabus, and other important notices regarding the CMA Intermediate Exam.

All the candidates who have passed the CMA Foundation or any equivalent exam can register for the CMA Intermediate course. But before appearing in the exam, you must be aware of all the essential information regarding the ICMAI CMA Intermediate Course June 2025.

The CMA Intermediate June 2025 Exam will be conducted from June 11 to 18, 2025. The last date to fill out the CMA June 2025 exam form for the Intermediate exam is April 10, 2025. 

In this complete guide on the CMA Intermediate Course, you’ll get details about important dates, eligibility criteria, registration process, fees, syllabus and marking scheme, admit card, preparation tips, results, etc.

Table of Contents

ICMAI CMA Intermediate Course 2025 – Important Dates

Let us first begin with the significant dates that you must know about the CMA Intermediate Course.

TopicsImportant Dates
Registration for CMA IntermediateJan 18 to April 10, 2025
Last date of RegistrationApril 10, 2025
Availability of exam formFrom Feb 10 to April 10, 2025
Release of admit cardLast week of May 2025
CMA Intermediate exam datesFrom June 11 to 18, 2025

The ICMAI has released the CMA exam dates for the June 2025 exams. The CMA Inter papers will conduct from the second week of June 2025.

cma intermediate dec 2025 results website banner

ICMAI CMA Intermediate Course Eligibility 2025

To register for the CMA Intermediate course, students have to fulfil the eligibility criteria set by ICMAI. Once you have cross-checked your criteria, you can go forward with filling out the form.

  • Cleared the senior secondary and higher secondary exams from a recognized board.
  • Candidates who have cleared the CMA Intermediate exam conducted by ICAI or have cleared the Part I exam of CAT
    from the Course of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
  • Students holding a degree from any recognized university or having completed their two years or four semesters of
    engineering. Also, the students with equivalent degrees in music, photography, dance, painting, etc.

Must Check: CMA Salary in India

ICMAI CMA Intermediate Registration for June 2025

Before appearing in the ICMAI CMA Intermediate examination or even before filling out the form, the student must have registered online with ICMAI. Here are the steps that you can follow for the CMA Intermediate registration for June 2025 exams. You have two ways to apply:

  • Apply through the CMA Foundation Course
  • Direct entry route

After defining which mode you are opting to apply for the CMA Intermediate Course, you go through the following steps:

Step 1. Open the official website of ICMAI, i.e. icmai. In. Once you have opened the website, click on the “Students” tab in the menu bar.

Step 2. From there, click on the admission link, which will redirect you to a new admission

Step 3. There will be several options given on the screen’s left side. Here, you have to select
the option of “Online Admission”.

Registering for CMA Intermediate Course June 2022

Step 4. Afterwards, apply for the CMA Intermediate course and fill out the application form.

Step 5. Enter all the details asked on the page, such as qualification, email id, coaching type, registration type, etc. After submitting the information, you have to generate OTP for registration in CMA Intermediate.

CMA Intermediate Registration Process

Step 6. After this, login credentials will be sent to your registered email id, and then you can proceed towards filling out the CMA Intermediate exam application form for 2025. Now, submit the rest of the basic details and click on save & next. Also, make sure to verify the details entered.

Step 7. Upload the scanned copy of the documents.

Step 8. Finally, submit the required fee to confirm your registration with ICMAI CMA Intermediate.

CMA Intermediate Registration Fees

To complete the CMA Intermediate registration process, you have to pay the required fees. The CMA Intermediate registration fee is Rs. 22,000 for students who want to pay without any instalment. Students who prefer paying the amount in instalments have to pay Rs. 12000 and Rs. 10,000.

ParticularCMA Intermediate Fees
Without InstalmentsRs. 23100
With InstalmentRs. 12000 + 11100

Important Note – In order to sit in the June 2025 exams, students have to pay the 2nd instalment of
CMA Intermediate application form fees before 31st January 2025.

CMA Intermediate Exam Pattern 2025

After successfully registering for the CMA Intermediate course, students now have to start their preparation. However, to prepare effectively, they must know about the CMA Intermediate exam pattern, i.e., time duration, type of exam, marking scheme, subject weightage, time duration, and language. Check the CMA Intermediate exam pattern for June 2025.

Mode of ExamOnline-centre based
Type of Questions AskedObjective and Subjective
Maximum Marks100
Total Papers8
Exam Duration3 hours
Total Number of Questions120
Negative MarkingNo

ICMAI CMA Intermediate Syllabus 2025

ICMAI released the syllabus for the candidates who have registered for the CMA Intermediate course. Students must go through each subject and the syllabus in detail to understand the demands of the exam.

Check out the table below to get the downloadable link for the 2025 syllabus of the CMA Intermediate subjects.

CMA Intermediate Group-I Subjects
Financial AccountingDownload
Laws and EthicsDownload
Direct TaxationDownload
Cost AccountingDownload
CMA Intermediate Group-II Subjects
Operation Management and Strategic ManagementDownload
Cost and Management Accounting and Financial ManagementDownload
Indirect TaxationDownload
Company Accounts and AuditsDownload

Hence, all the candidates must be aware of the topics mentioned above and the concepts. It can be helpful in your
exam preparation.

CMA Intermediate Marking scheme for June 2025 exams

Paper 5 – Financial Accounting

Section – A: Accounting25 marks
1. Fundamentals of Accounting 
2. Accounting for Special Transactions 
Section – B: Preparation of Financial Statements40 marks
3. Preparation of Final Accounts of Profit Oriented organizations, Non-Profit Organizations and from
Incomplete Records
4. Partnership Accounts 
Section – C: Self Balancing Ledgers, Royalties, Hire Purchase & Installment System, Branch &
Departmental Accounts
20 marks
5. Self-Balancing Ledgers 
6. Royalties, Hire-Purchase and Installment System 
7. Branch and Departmental Accounts 
Section – D: Accounting in Computerised Environment and Accounting Standards15 marks
8. Overview of Computerised Accounting 
9. Accounting Standards 
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 6 – Laws and Ethics

Section – A: Commercial Laws30 marks
1. Laws of Contracts (Advanced level) 
2. Laws relating to Sale of Goods (Advanced level) 
3. Negotiable Instruments Act,1881 (Advanced Level) 
4. Indian Partnership Act, 1932 
5. Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 
Section – B: Industrial Laws25 marks
6. Factories Act, 1948 
7. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 
8. Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 
9. Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 
10. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 
11. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 
12. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 
13. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013 
Section – C: Corporate Law35 marks
14. Companies Act, 2013 
Section – D: EthicsTen marks
15. Business Ethics 
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 7 – Direct Taxation

Section – A: Income Tax Act BasicsTen marks
1. Introduction to Income Tax Act, 1961 
2. Income which does not form part of Total Income (Section 10, 11 to 13A) 
Section – B: Heads of Income and Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability70 marks
3. Heads of Income and Computation of Total Income under various heads 
4. Clubbing Provisions, Set – off and Carry forward of Losses, Deductions 
5. Assessment of Income and tax liability of different persons 
Section – C: Tax Management, Administrative Procedures, and ICDS20 marks
6. TDS, TCS and Advance Tax 
7 Administrative Procedures 
8. Income Computation and Disclosure Standards – (ICDS) 
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 8 – Cost Accounting

1. Introduction to Cost Accounting40 marks
A. Cost Ascertainment – Elements of Cost 
B. Cost Accounting Standards 
C. Cost Book Keeping 
2. Methods of Costing30 marks
3. Cost Accounting Techniques30 marks
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 9 – Operation Management and Strategic Management

Section – A: Operations Management70 marks
1. Operations Management – Introduction15 marks
2. Operations Planning 
3. Designing of Operational Systems and Control35 marks
4. Production Planning and Control 
5. Productivity Management and quality management 
6. Project Management20 marks
7. Economics of Maintenance and spares management 
Section – B: Strategic Management30 marks
8. Strategic Management Introduction 
9. Strategic Analysis and Strategic Planning 
10. Formulation and Implementation of Strategy 
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 10 – Cost and Management Accounting and Financial Management

Section – A: Cost & Management Accounting and Financial Management50 marks
1. Cost and Management Accounting – Introduction 
2. Decision-Making Tools 
3. Budgeting and Budgetary Control 
4. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 
5. Learning Curve 
Section – B: Financial Management50 marks
6. Introduction to Financial Management 
7. Tools for Financial Analysis and Planning 
8. Working Capital Management 
9. Cost of Capital, Capital Structure Theories, Dividend Decisions, and Leverage Analysis 
10. Capital Budgeting – Investment Decisions 
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 11 – Indirect Taxation

Section – A: Cannons of Taxations – Indirect Tax GST80 marks
Section – B: Customs Laws20 marks
Total100 maximum marks

Paper 12 – Company Accounts and Audits

Section – A: Accounts of Joint Stock Companies50 marks
1. Accounting of Shares and Debentures (25 marks) 
2. Presentation of Financial Statements (as Per Schedule III) 
3. Cash Flow Statement 
4. Accounts of Banking, Electricity and Insurance Companies (25 marks) 
Section – B: Auditing50 marks
Part – A: Auditing Concepts (20 marks ) 
Part – B: Provision relating to Audit under Companies Act (30 marks ) 
Total100 maximum marks

Preparation Tips for CMA Intermediate Course

The CMA Intermediate course should not be taken lightly by the students. It can be cracked on the first attempt, but you have to prepare well and with full dedication. Check out the preparation tips for the inter-exams to get the best ICMAI result.

  • The candidate should go through the exam pattern and the syllabus very carefully and note it down somewhere.
  • Students need to make proper short notes on important topics.
  • The students should consider the study materials and the books recommended by ICMAI.
  • Make sure to solve the CMA Intermediate papers of past years and sample papers released by ICMAI.
  • Students should go for CMA Intermediate coaching. However, they have to keep in mind that self-study is also crucial.
  • So, the student must make a proper timetable for studying.

CMA Intermediate Demo Lectures of VSI Institute.

CMA Intermediate Admit Card 2025

As soon as the application exam form windows are closed, ICMAI will release the admit cards on the official website
for the CMA Intermediate exams. From there, the students must download their admit card before the exams because,
without it, no one will be allowed to give the exam. Some vital information that students must know regarding the
ICMAI CMA Intermediate admit card are:

  • The admit card should be compulsorily brought to the exam centre else the candidates cannot appear in the exam.
  • The admit card should contain all the information such as the student’s name, date and time of exam, signature,
    photograph, test centre, address, etc.
  • Candidates should also have downloaded the instruction related to the exam.

ICMAI CMA Intermediate Result 2025

The students who want to check their ICMAI CMA Intermediate result 2024 should keep checking the notification by ICMAI. As soon as the ICMAI releases the notice of result announcement, the students can follow the given steps to get their results,

  • The results of the CMA Intermediate course will be announced online by ICMAI.
  • Candidates have to log in to the ICMAI website through their registered number to see and download their
    Intermediate results.
  • You can also check the rank list released by the ICMAI that contains the centre’s name, roll number and name of
    the candidates.

Upon clearing the Intermediate level, students are eligible to register for the CMA Final course and start their preparation.

Now, you have all the details regarding the CMA Intermediate course, from registration to important dates, fees, syllabus, admit card, and results. Also, make sure to follow the dates released by the ICMAI for the CMA Intermediate exam 2024. Join VSI Jaipur’s CMA Intermediate classes if you want to crack this exam on the first attempt.


Ques 1. What are the eligibility criteria for the CMA Intermediate Course?

Ans. All candidates who have cleared the CMA Foundation paper and the other equivalent paper mentioned by ICMAI in the eligibility criteria can appear in the CMA Intermediate exam.

Ques 2. When will ICMAI conduct the CMA Intermediate Exam 2025?

Ans. The exams will be conducted in June 2025. The Exam Dates for CMA Intermediate from June 11 to 18, 2025. 

Ques 3. What is the last date to register for CMA Intermediate Course 2025?

Ans. Students can register for the CMA Intermediate till 31st Jan 2025.

Ques 4. How many papers are there in the CMA Intermediate Course?

Ans. There are eight papers in the CMA Intermediate course, categorized into two groups.

Ques 5. How can I download the CMA Intermediate Study Material for the 2025 exams?

Ans. Students can download the CMA Intermediate Study Material from the official website of ICMAI. You can also download the study material from this page.

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