AP Intermediate Time Table 2024-25 for 1st & 2nd Year Exams

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The Andhra Pradesh Board will soon release the 1st and 2nd-year timetable for the 2024-25 exams on its official website. According to past trends, the AP Intermediate Timetable will be released in January 2024-25.

Students preparing for the 2024-25 exams must check the date sheet. It will mention the exam date, day, time, and a few guidelines. In this article, you’ll get the latest updates about the AP Intermediate timetable 2024-25, including the dates of theory, practical, and supplementary exams.

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AP Intermediate Time Table for 1st and 2nd Year 2024-25

The Andhra Pradesh board has not released the official schedule for the 2024-25 exams. However, students can check these tentative dates for the AP Intermediate exams for 1st and 2nd year. These tentative dates will help students in preparing a study plan for themselves. 

AP Inter 1st Year Time Table 2024-25

Exam Dates (Expected)Subjects
3 March 20252nd Language- Paper I
6 March 2025English Paper-I
8 March 20252Mathematics Paper- I B
Zoology Paper-I
History Paper-I
11 March 2025Physics Paper- I
Economics Paper-I
13 March 2025Chemistry Paper- I
Commerce Paper-I
Sociology Paper-I
Fine Arts, Music Paper-I
16 March 2025Public Administrator Paper- I
Logic Paper- I
Bridge Course Maths
Paper-I (For B.P.C students)
18 March 2025Modern Language Paper- I
Geography Paper-I
March 202520 Mathematics paper- I A
Botany Paper- I
Civics Paper-I

AP Intermediate 2nd Year Time Table 2024-25

Exam Dates (Expected)Subjects
4 March 20252nd Language- Paper II
7 March 2025English Paper-II
9 March 2025Mathematics Paper- II B
Zoology Paper-II
History Paper-II
13 March 2025Physics Paper- II
Economics Paper-II
15 March 2025Chemistry Paper- II
Commerce Paper-II
Sociology Paper-II
Fine Arts, Music Paper-II
18 March 2025Public Administrator Paper- II
Logic Paper- II
Bridge Course Maths
Paper-II (For B.P.C students)
20 March 2025Modern Language Paper- II
Geography Paper-II
22 March 2025Mathematics paper- II A
Botany Paper- II
Civics Paper-II

AP Intermediate Schedule for Practical Exams 2024-25

Exam DatesPractical Exam
March 2025Ethics and Human Values
March 2025Environmental Education
March 2025General Intermediate Courses
VSI International School Jaipur

All the above tables will be updated as soon as the Andhra Pradesh Board releases the official date sheet for the 2024-25 exams.

The supplementary exams for the AP Intermediate 2nd year will be conducted in May 2025. But students must prepare well and get good results in the exams.

How to Download the AP Intermediate Exam Time Table?

Follow the steps mentioned below to download the AP Intermediate date sheet for the 2025 exams:

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. You’ll find the April 2024-25 timetable on the home page; click on that.
  3. Now, a pdf file will open that includes the date sheet.
  4. Download the date sheet and save it on your device for future use.

AP Intermediate Exam Day Guidelines 2024-25

  • Always confirm the area of the examination center before the examination starts.
  • Always arrive 45 minutes early at the examination center before the commencement of the paper.
  • Carry all the stationery and other needed things to the examination hall.
  • The date sheet has your exam day and date for a specific paper. Please confirm and remember it.
  • Any holidays falling in between the exams will be informed to the students.

Preparation Tips for AP Intermediate Examination 2024-25

VSI wants all students to clear the exams with flying colors. We are sharing some important tips to help you in your preparation for exams.

  • Eat healthily and keep yourself fit and calm during the preparation of exams.
  • Practice Mock Test papers, as writing papers will help you increase your writing speed.
  • Prepare your timetable to cover your entire syllabus; keep extra time to revise the course. a
  • Try to solve the previous 3-year paper, as it will help you to know the exam pattern.
  • Talk to your teachers or mentors for personal guidance.

About the AP Board bieap.gov.in

AP Intermediate exams are usually held in the first week of March.

Andhra Pradesh board has a two-year intermediate collegiate education in place of the senior secondary school system prevailing in other states of the country. The Andhra Pradesh board maintains intermediate-level education in the state. They established the new school system in the year 1964 to promote and develop the educational level of the school. They are also responsible for conducting and assessing the Intermediate first-level and second-level exams in Andhra Pradesh.

The Inter AP board’s exams are important and need dedication and concentration while studying. It is important for students to study and practice the questions from the above question papers. VSI follows the same dedication and practice patterns while preparing our students for the foundation level.

About VSI Jaipur

VSI Jaipur provides the best 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, if you aspire to become a CA, you can join our coaching classes and clear the CA exams on the first attempt. VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching in India and our students have scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate and Final exams. Moreover, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

Further, we also provide the best CMA and ACCA coaching classes for all levels. So, join VSI Jaipur’s online or offline classes to get the best class 12th result and build a strong foundation for CA/CMA/ACCA.

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