CA Final Direct Tax (DT): Study Material, Classes, Papers May 2025 Exam

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Starting with the CA Foundation, followed by the CA Intermediate course and CA Final. CA Finals is the last stage of the CA course. It is the main level to clear to become a CA in India. Exams for the CA Final are held twice a year, in the month of May and November. Students or candidates can appear for the CA finals after completing the Two and Half Years of CA articleship. As I have mentioned in the month of May and November, CA final exams are conducted in the two groups of the CA final level, which is divided and consists of six papers. The second group, CA Final Direct Tax Paper 4, is Direct Tax Paper, which is among the most lucrative papers that makes you gain marks easily.

Furthermore, ICAI has released the CA final exam date for the May 2025 exams. The Exam dates are 1st, 3rd, and 5th for group 1 and 7th, 9th and 11th for group 2 exam. Along with the Exam date ICAI has also released the CA Final Exam form to know the full details click the link.

It is easy to secure a rank in the CA Finals by just doing proper planning and by following certain procedures such as solving Mock Test Papers provided by your CA Final Coaching Institutes or by solving sample papers that are available on the official website of ICAI, or you can also surf for model test paper. You have to master some important and easy subjects like Direct Tax Paper. If you want to study hard to achieve a rank, then this article will provide you with various tips and tricks, a syllabus, a mock test series, a sample paper, weightage, and other necessary exams relatable online and helpful staff. This article will also provide you with the links to the revised CA Final Direct Tax paper 2025. From the second group, DT Paper 2025 is the most important paper to secure a good rank. So, continue reading!

CA Final coaching classes for Nov. 2025

Understand CA Final Direct Tax Paper May 2025

The CA final course’s paper 4, as per the new scheme course, is the CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025. This paper is mainly classified into two main segments:-

  1. The Income-tax Act, 1961 and Rules there under (90 marks)
  2. The Wealth-tax Act, 1957 and Rules there under (10 marks)

ICAI has released the CA Final exam dates on its official website. ICAI has not yet released the exam dates for the May 2025 exams.

VSI VVMP Program

CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025 Study Material 2025 for New Revised Course

The study material provided by the ICAI includes all the main chapters and the basic units of the chapters. We are providing you with the CA Final Paper 4 study material which can be downloaded by just clicking here.

Syllabus Modules
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts
Chapter 2: Incomes which do not form part of Total Income
Chapter 3: Profits and Gains of Business or Profession
Chapter 4: Capital Gains
Chapter 5: Income from Other Sources
Chapter 6: Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income
Chapter 7: Aggregation of Income, Set Off or Carry Forward of Losses
Chapter 8: Deductions from Gross Total Income
Chapter 9: Assessment of Various Entities
Chapter 10: Assessment of Trusts and Institutions, Political Parties and Other Special Entities
Chapter 11: Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
Chapter 12: Taxation of Digital Transactions
Chapter 13: Deduction, Collection and Recovery of Tax
Chapter-14 Income Tax Authorities
Chapter-15 Assessment Procedure
Chapter-16 Appeals and Revision
Chapter-17 Dispute Resolution
Chapter-18 Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter-19 Provisions to Counteract Unethical Tax Practices
Chapter-20 Tax Audit and Ethical Compliances
Chapter 21: Non Resident Taxation
Chapter 22: Double Taxation Relief
Chapter 23: Advance Rulings
Chapter 24: Transfer Pricing
Chapter 25: Fundamentals of BEPS
Chapter 26: Application and Interpretation of Tax Treaties
Chapter 27: Overview of Model Tax Conventions
Chapter 28: Latest Developments in International Taxation

CA Final Direct Tax Old Syllabus

Candidates can refer to the study material provided by ICAI, along with some other course books and notes that are available online.

CA Final Direct Tax (DT) Question Papers with Suggested Answers 2025

If a candidate appears for the CA Final Direct Tax Exam and practices on all the final year question papers and answers it in a way that is expected by the ICAI, then one can surely secure a good rank. This is the only way to learn and practice for the CA Final DT Paper 2025 for presenting skills for exams.

CA Final Direct Tax Mock Test Papers 2025

Under ICAI every year, the CA syllabus is being revised. From the link below, candidates can download their CA Final Direct Tax or DT Paper 2025 for online studies. Along with the Performance Evaluation Mock Test Paper if you want to know your level of preparation.



CA Final DT  Revision Test Papers 2025

Under ICAI’s new scheme, almost 65% of the syllabus of the entire CA final course has been revised. The RTP for the final Financial reporting paper of the CA final can be downloaded by candidates of both English and Hindi medium for the years 2018, 2019, May 2020, & November 2022 .

  1. November 2022 – Hindi Medium
  2. November 2022
  3. May 2022 – Hindi Medium
  4. May 2022
  5. November, 2021 – Hindi Medium
  6. November 2021
  7. May 2021 – Hindi Medium
  8. May 2021

Why should you study CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025

CA Final Direct Tax Paper’s syllabus will help a person understand the way to develop the model of Direct Tax and how to manage the entire taxation process. Thus, the selection of Direct Taxes and International Taxes becomes a very important topic for CA. Just a few times revision would be sufficient. It covers basically all the amendments in the Financial Act 2017. Though students fear this subject, once you start revising the chapters continuously, you will feel that it is the easiest subject to score good results.

CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025

  1. Paper pattern: Subjective
  2. Total question asked:100
  3. Part I: Direct Tax Laws (70 Marks)
  4. Part II: International Taxation (30 Marks)
  5. Total exam duration:3 hours
  6. Maximum marks got:100 marks
  7. Total questions asked, out of which five need to be answered.

    Get all the details about the CA Final Course

    The CA Final Direct Tax Paper and the Assessment of the Performance Evaluation Skills

    While you attempt the Direct Tax Paper, there are certain strict guidelines that need to be followed. ICAI has issued a list of verbs that is mandatory to attempt the answers as per the verb illustrations. Below is a complete list of verbs with certain illustrations.

    The list of verbs with illustrations is as follows:

    1. Recommend– For recommending, we must know that first, we have to identify and explain the reasonable options then evaluate and conclude.
    2. Evaluate- It helps to balance both the aspects- positive and negative issues.
    3. It may or may not mean computations.
    4. It emphasizes both qualitative and monetary terms.
    5. Advice—It builds good comprehension and can lead to one or more choices that the owners and managers will consider.
    6. Produce – It helps in making or bringing something with very little or nothing.
    7. Prioritize—It helps to decide the most important things to address first. You must clarify what should be kept first on the list.
    8. Interpretation—It translates the former into an exact sense. It can be said to be the second stage of ‘analysis’.
    9. Discuss—There should be an argument between two or more different viewpoints so that the outcome of the conflict can be determined. For instance, this vsi concludes with the outcome, etc.
    10. Construct- To prepare with the explicit reason and use compare and contrast or similarities or dissimilarities between two or more things.
    11. Categorize- Putting things into groups with the same features with the explanation of why you put it in that and not in it to others.
    12. Analyze- Collecting the information or data to discover relationships, causes, patterns, and connections, and having a series of detailed explanations.
    13. Tabulate- Arranging the facts and numbers in a tabular form.
    14. Solve- Calculation with the technique or process with an explanation.
    15. Reconcile- To find the results of two opposed problems and submit the reconciling statement.
    16. Prepare- It considers the relevant data, calculations, or rearranging it and providing it in a specific format.
    17. Demonstrate- To show something with full-proof corrections without any doubt.
    18. Calculate- To reckon mathematically.
    19. Apply facts, rules, concepts, and ideas.
    20. Not just for theory but for practicality.
    21. Illustrate- Means for example.
    22. Identify- To recognize, to establish, or to select after consideration.
    23. Explain—To describe or give information to the end of understanding. For example, write a sentence, then explain to clarify, and if not understood, write in a manner that can be understood and made clear.
    24. Distinguish- Recognizing the difference between two things and featuring the, unlike things.
    25. Describe- to explain, to define, to give meaning to resolve the issues by giving short paragraphs.
    26. Define- To deliver the definition in your own words. Simply a test of the memory.
    27. State- Conveying the things in brief, no need of explanation until it is not cleared.
    28. List- LiA To-do list: Write the points in full sentences with clarity and in short form to be understood and not required to go further.
      1. ICAI will judge each question through comprehensive knowledge, analytical skills, and reporting efficiency.
      2. Each question has 3 or 4 sections to be solved.

    Not following the exam answer pattern leads to low marks and exam failure. To prevent students from failing, go through the tips for CA’s final failed students.

    ICAI CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025 Weightage: Chapter Wise for New Course

    As per their difficulty level practical importance, ICAI has given weightage to some particular chapters in the CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025. It will help students to plan and prepare for their exams by keeping in mind the weightage of chapters in that particular exam. Below is the complete information on the chapters of the CA Direct Tax Paper 2025.

    ChapterPart IWeightage
    Chapter 1-2Chapter 1: Basis of charge, residential status, income which do not form part of total income, heads of income, the income of other persons included in assessee’s total income, aggregation of income, set-off and carry forward of losses, deductions from gross total income, rebates, and reliefs
    Chapter 2: Special provisions relating to companies and certain persons other than a company
    Chapter 3Chapter 3: Provisions relating to charitable and religious trust and institutions, political parties and electoral trusts5%-10%
    Chapter 4Chapter 4: Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance & Tax Evasion5%-10%
    Chapter 5Chapter 5:Collection & Recovery of Tax, Refunds15%-20%
    Chapter 6-7Chapter 6: Income-tax Authorities, Procedure for assessment, Appeals and Revision
    Chapter 7: Settlement of Tax Cases, Penalties, Offences & Prosecution
    Chapter 8-9Chapter 8: Liability in Special Cases
    Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Provisions and Other Provisions
    Chapter 8-9Chapter 8: Liability in Special Cases
    Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Provisions and Other Provisions
    ChapterPart IIWeightage
    Chapter 1-2Chapter 1 Taxation of international transactions and Non-resident taxation
    (i) Provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, including –
    (a) Specific provisions relating to Non-residents
    (b) Double Taxation Relief
    (c) Transfer Pricing & Other Anti-Avoidance Measures
    (d) Advance Rulings
    (ii) Equalization levy
    Chapter 2-4Chapter 2: Overview of Model Tax Conventions – OECD & UN
    Chapter 3:Application and interpretation of Tax Treaties
    Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

    Download the complete weightage of the CA Final Direct Tax or DT Paper

    CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025 Syllabus for New Revised Course

    Every year, ICAI revises the syllabus of the CA final under the new scheme. It is very easy to download the entire CA Final New Syllabus from here.

    If you want to download the updated CA Final Direct Tax Syllabus for the May 2025 Exam, then click here for the newly revised course.

    CA Final Direct Tax or DT Paper 2025: Reference of Quick Revision: (New Scheme)

    The reference for the quick revision as per the new revised syllabus of the direct tax paper 2025 is given by ICAI. Understanding skills, Evaluation, and application are the things through which the case studies can be solved by the students. The answer pattern prescribed by the ICAI should be considered by the Candidates. Accordingly, the candidate’s answers will be scored. Whoever gives the appropriate answers as per the desired format will be rewarded with some extra marks. Some ICAI-prescribed references for quick revision are provided below:-

    Read this to know the change in Reference to the quick revision Group-I.

    Sample Questions for 30:70 Assessment – CA Final Direct Tax or DT Paper 2025

    To get the best score in subjects like Direct Tax, one should do a timely revision and practice the sample Questions for better learning. ICAI provides the best revision capsules that are given below to help you revise the entire syllabus quickly in a few minutes. It will not only save a lot of time surfing the lengthy course but will also help you get a glance at the major topics and formulae covered in your exam paper. In the simple pointers one can refresh the memory in the same glimpse. You will find your whole course will be designed in a very simple questioning way that can help you provide the best idea for your CA Final Sample Questions.

    Click on this to get the sample questions for the 30:70 Assessment– CA Final Direct Tax or DT Paper 2025.

    CA Final Coaching Classes – Offline/Online/Pendrive Classes

    VSI Jaipur is the best CA Final Coaching Institute that provides the best CA final online classes and CA final Pendrive classes. VSI Jaipur, being the best institute, provides the most simple CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025 notes and the best reliable techniques with a deep understanding of every topic.

    To understand each and every topic wisely, many students prefer the ICAI study material for studies. Candidates also prefer various course books along with the notes that are provided online and offline. VSI Jaipur provides the best CA Final Direct Tax Pendrive classes in such an effective way that it covers almost the whole study material. These classes are provided to the candidates in English and Hindi students.

    How to Study For CA Final Direct Tax Paper 2025?

    There are many Frequently Asked Questions that will help candidates get an idea of what to study and how to study for the CA Final Direct Tax Paper.

    Should I do self-study for CA final Direct Tax Paper, or should I enrol for CA Coaching Classes?

    If you can attentively study from the given syllabus that is provided by ICAI, then success is not so far. To get the best results, experienced teachers who can provide you with comprehensive knowledge are the main thing to consider before choosing any CA Coaching Institute for studying in the best way. Students should also improve their application and analytical skills before appearing for the exams. Self-study is the best key to cracking the CA Final Exams.

    If you still think you want more than self-study, you can enroll at VSI Jaipur, the best CA Final Coaching Center in India.

    1. VSI has the highest and maximum number of rankers
    2. VSI has the highest number of toppers.
    3. VSI gives the outstanding Ca final results

    If you are still confused about where to join for the CA Finals preparation, then VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching Institute in Jaipur, providing experienced and qualified faculty members. They also held a regular Mock Test Series for the students to prepare for the CA Final Direct Tax Exam 2025. Get the best material here that can help you at the time of self-study. VSI also takes CA Final Online classes to save you time travelling to the coaching centres. We at VSI wish you to have a bright future and golden success in exams. So, stay positive, stay healthy, stay safe.


    Q1. Which is the Best Coaching Institute for the CA Final Examination?

    VSI Jaipur is the best coaching centre in Jaipur for the CA Final Examination for umpteen reasons. VSI has been given the best results in the CA examination for the last 7 years. It also offers CA Final Online Classes from the well-known and experienced faculty for the CA Final Course. VSI also provides CA Online Classes and CA Final Pendrive Classes for the comfort of the students.

    Q2. How important is the rank in the CA Examination?

    Rank plays a major role in the CA Examination, as it prompts candidates to make more effort and gives them the drive to fight the competition. If candidates are able to secure a good rank, then chances of getting hired by the top companies increase, and even doors of ICAI campus placement get open.

    Q3. Can you tell me how to study for the Final exams during the articleship?

    It is always advisable to start studying as soon as you register yourself for the Final Course; all you need to do is prepare a timetable or schedule depending upon your capabilities and the way to adhere to it. Every individual has 24 hours at their disposal; it entirely depends on how one can manage their time to study for Finals.

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