CA Toppers Success Mantra and Few Tips for You All

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Being a topper in Chartered Accountancy gives a feeling like Sunshine and today we are uncovering the hottest topic of discussion, What is CA toppers Success mantra? In order to shine like a sun, you have to burn like a sun first. Because success does not come itself, neither it can be gifted. You have to work hard and dedicate yourself to your goal.

Besides hard work, smart work is also important. Like how to study, how to face exams, how to de-stress yourself, and much more. Hence, here we are sharing with you some tips on the CA Toppers that will help you to be the next rank holder in CA Exam. Let’s have a look below –

CA Toppers Success Mantra

Dream Big –

Do you remember Eti Agarwal? The topper of CA Final in Nov 2016 attempt. AIR – 1 in the CA Final was not the only achievement in her life. She also placed the first position in CA IPCC, CS Executive as well as third rank in CS Professional.

When people asked her to share her success story. She started with the “Power of Dream”. She said that until and unless you don’t dream big, how could you expect big things to happen in your life? Your dream should be the biggest so that even if you fail in achieving that big thing, your failure would be bigger than the other’s success.

“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, You’ll land among the stars”

Sharing her experience, she continues that she always dreamed of being AIR – 1. In CA IPCC, she achieved her AIR – 1 then she was targeted to maintain the same position and work hard to attain AIR – 1 in CS Executive, which she did. Repeating such a thing in the CA Final, she became the CA Final topper in Nov 2016. Further, she targeted CS Professional but could not achieve AIR – 1, she placed her name at AIR – 3 position which is also a big thing. Only 2 candidates are higher than her, and she is better than the rest of all who appeared in that examination.

This means if your dream is big, nobody can stop you from becoming the topper.

“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep,” said APJ Abdul Kalam.

Dreaming Big is the secret CA topper success mantra that you must think about.

Stop Taking Advice from Every Random Person –

Have you seen any toppers taking advice from you? Why? When you can ask every random person how to study, why don’t they? Why do they listen only to their mentors?

They knew that advice wouldn’t work. What actually works is your effort, hard work, dedication, and belief in yourself.

The best person who can correctly guide you is you only. Instead of taking advice, just ask yourself “How much effort do I need to put in?”, “What is my ability?”, “Where I am good, where I am bad?”, “How many times, do I need to revise the CA course?” etc.

Stop asking people how many hours you used to study in CA. They may need only 10 hours, while you may need 14 hours. It all depends on one’s capability. So, stop running here and there and learn to believe in yourself. Find only one mentor who can guide you in the right direction. He may be your teacher, parent, friend, or XYZ. Just find only one right person.

Stop Making Excuses –

Every time toppers make us understand that our excuses are the reason for our failure. We always use to support our failure with many excuses. Like “Ohh your… He doesn’t have to do any household work, how lucky!! Get so much time to focus on his studies”. Others behave like “Ohh year, he is living with his family, get all the facilities… How lucky he is!!

You do not understand, that excuses are not giving you any success nor do they can stop the entire world from moving ahead. Only you and you will suffer from these excuses. Your spirit should be “Either hook or cook, nobody can stop us from getting rank in CA Exams.

“Students, please… Stop Making Excuses…. Dream Big and work hard to achieve them.”

Proper Planning –

Every single student appearing in CA Exams works hard to geta pass but very few candidates clear it and among such, very few people get the All India Rank. So what is special in their preparation that made them All India Ranker? Nothing special students!! The reason behind their success is proper planning. Whatever they do, do it with a proper plan.

They do not count the number of hours while studying, they set goals for each month, each week, each day, each hour, and each minute as well. They plan the course in such a manner that the last 2 months could be devoted only to revision and attempting past attempts or mock test papers.

To make proper plans, students will need to know the complete CA Final Syllabus and prepare accordingly.

Take Articleship Seriously –

Often students think that articleship training is burdensome and creates many obstacles in clearing the CA Final. However, one has to understand that Articleship is a great rescue that helps in clearing CA Final. Papers like DT, IDT, Audit, and Law so much require practical knowledge besides theoretical aspects and the only one who can answer such questions properly who has taken Articleship seriously.

Kruti B Shah topper of CA Final May 2013, when asked about her articleship, she said that she loved her articleship as this gave her practical knowledge, like how things happen in real life, and studying that one was great fun. She concluded her statement that everyone should take his/her articleship very seriously.

Never Ignore ICAI Material –

May 2017 CA Final All India First Rank holder “Raj Paresh Sheth” when asked about the contribution of ICAI towards his success. He thanks the Material provided by the ICAI. The Study Material, Practice Manual, and Revision Test Papers given by the Institute were always his first point of reference. After completing these materials, he barely refers to any coaching or other reference material.

He also feels bad for the students who skip the Pronouncements in respect of Accounting Standards and Standards of Accounting issued by the ICAI. He considers it necessary to practice the illustrations from such pronouncements.

And not just Raj Paresh, every rank holder suggested candidates keep the ICAI Material on priority.

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