CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 Download PDF for All Subjects

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CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 – The CBSE Board has issued the syllabus for class 12th examinations 2024-25. Students can check out the CBSE class 12th syllabus for all streams, i.e., science, commerce, and arts.

Students appearing for the 2024-25 session board exams must follow the CBSE 12th syllabus for their preparation. From here, you can also download the pdf for CBSE class 12th syllabus 2024 for all the subjects.

In this article, you can download the CBSE Class 12th syllabus for all streams and subjects. Moreover, you can also get the assessment scheme and frequently asked questions regarding the class 12th syllabus. Students can visit this page for all the necessary information regarding the CBSE class 12 examination.

VSI International School Jaipur

Furthermore, you can also check the Class 12th Commerce Papers 2024 with the following link. In Addition, the West Bengal Board WBCHSE has also Announced their Syllabus. Students can download the WBCHSE New Syllabus from its official website.

Also, Check: Class 12th English Project

Join Live Sessions for Maths Complete Syllabus Revision for CBSE 12th Board Exams Free CBSE Class 12th Guess Papers with Solution 2024-25

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 (Subject-Wise) – Download PDF

From the following table, students can download the CBSE Class 12th Term 2 syllabus pdf for the board exams of 2024-25. In these pdf, students will also get the marking scheme and weightage.

Also, Check – Class 12th Economic Books pdf 2024

CBSE Class 12 Subjects (2023-24)Download Links
Biology Download
Business StudiesDownload
Carnatic MelodicDownload
Carnatic VocalDownload
Carnatic PercussionDownload
Computer ScienceDownload
Engineering GraphicsDownload
Fine ArtsDownload
Hindustani MelodicDownload
Hindustani PercussionDownload
Hindustani VocalDownload
Home ScienceDownload
Informatics PracticesDownload
Knowledge Tradition- Practices IndiaDownload
Legal StudiesDownload
Mathematics (Applied)Download
National Cadet Corps (NCC)Download
Physical EducationDownload
Political ScienceDownload

Students can also download the NCERT Class 12th economics books chapter-wise pdf to prepare for the exams. Or else, you can go for the printed books.

Also Check: Project of Class 12th Accountancy

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 (All Languages) – Download PDF

To download the CBSE class 12th syllabus pdf for language subjects, check the table given below. It includes the links to download the latest 12th syllabus for the 2025 examinations.

CBSE Class 12 Language Subjects (2023-24)Download Links
Bengali Download
Bhutia Download
Bodo Download
German Download
Gujrati Download
Hindi CoreDownload
Hindi ElectiveDownload
English CoreDownload
English ElectiveDownload
Kannada Download
Kashmiri Download
Lepcha Download
Limboo Download
Malayalam Download
Manipuri Download
Marathi Download
Mizo Download
Nepali Download
Odia Download
Persian Download
Punjabi Download
Russian Download
Sanskrit CoreDownload
Sanskrit ElectiveDownload
Sindhi Download
Spanish Download
Tamil Download
Tangkhul Download
Telugu APDownload
Telugu TelanganaDownload
Tibetan Download
Urdu CoreDownload
Urdu ElectiveDownload

Download all the CBSE class 12th Accountancy sample papers for the 2024 exams from this page

Also, Check: Class 12th English Project 2024

Class 12 Commerce Syllabus 2025 with Marking Scheme

Class 12th Accounts Syllabus

UnitsChapter NamesMarking Scheme
Part A: Accounting for Partnership Firms and Companies60
Unit 1Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations10
Unit 2Accounting for Partnership Firms20
Unit 3Accounting For Companies30
Part B: Financial Statement Analysis20
Unit 4Analysis of Financial Statements12
Unit 5Cash Flow Statement8
PracticalProject Work and Viva20

Check the detailed Class 12 Accountancy syllabus on this page.

Class 12 Maths Syllabus

No.UnitsNo. of PeriodsMarks
I.Relations and Functions1708
IV.Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry2614
V.Linear Programming1305
Internal Assessment20

Check the detailed Class 12th Maths Syllabus here.

Class 12th Business Studies Syllabus

Part APrinciples and Functions of Management
1.Nature and Significance of Management1216
2Principles of Management14
3Business Environment20
Part BBusiness Finance and Marketing
9Financial Management2015
10Financial Markets18
11Marketing Management3015
12Consumer Protection12
Part CProject Work (One)3020

Must Check: Class 12th Business Studies Syllabus

Class 12th Economics Syllabus




Part A (Introductory Macroeconomics)

National Income and Related Aggregates



Money and Banking



Determination of Income and Employment



Government Budget and the Economy



Balance of Payments



Part B (Indian Economic Development)

Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991



Current Challenges facing Indian Economy



Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbours



Total of Theory Paper



Project WorK



Grand Total



Must Check: Complete Class 12 Economics Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus- Assessment Scheme 2024-25

The CBSE Class 12 board exam question paper is set according to the Revised CBSE Syllabus 2024-25. The grades and marks are awarded using the 9-point grading system. The revised assessment schemes for the CBSE Class 12 exam 2024-25 are given below.

CBSE Class 12 Grading Scheme
A-1Top 1/8th of the passed candidates
A-2Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
B-1Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
B-2Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
C-1Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
C-2Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
D-1Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
D-2Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
EFailed Candidates

Students can download the class 12th commerce papers pdf of the last 5 years by clicking on this page.

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 – Important Points to Note

  1. Candidates who will attempt the CBSE Class 12th exam 2024-25 have to go through each and every topic of the syllabus.
  2. By reviewing last year’s question papers, students can get to know the important topics for the CBSE class 12th exam 2024-25.
  3. The question paper pattern consists of three categories: very short answer type questions, short answer type questions, and long answer type questions. 
  4. Students should also check the marking scheme and the 12th syllabus to determine which chapters and topics are important.
  5. The board exams will be based on the CBSE class 12th syllabus, so it must be followed properly.

Apart from the theoretical portion, students should also focus on the class 12th practical exams. By properly preparing for the practical exams, you can easily ensure 20 marks in each subject, ultimately increasing your CBSE class 12th result. So, make sure to perform well in the practical exams.

Check out: Courses after 12th

Must Check: Class 12th Commerce Coaching

About VSI Jaipur

VSI Jaipur provides the best 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, if you aspire to become a CA, you can join our coaching classes and clear the CA exams on the first attempt. VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching in India and our students have scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate and Final exams. Moreover, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

Further, we also provide the best CMA and ACCA coaching classes for all levels. So, join VSI Jaipur’s online or offline classes to get the best class 12th result and build a strong foundation for CA/CMA/ACCA.


Q1. From where can students get the CBSE class 12 syllabus 2024-25?

Ans. Students can download the CBSE Class 12 syllabus from the CBSE official website. You can also get the direct download links for all the subjects from this page.  

Q2. What are the minimum passing marks for the CBSE class 12th exam?

Ans. Students must gain at least 33% to pass in all subjects for the CBSE class 12th exam 2024-25.

Q3. Does the CBSE class 12th syllabus vary state-wise?

Ans. No, the CBSE class 12th syllabus remains the same for all states.

Q4. Is NCERT sufficient for the CBSE class 12 exams?

Ans: Yes, CBSE class 12 students can prepare well from the NCERT book. 

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