Download CBSE Class 11 Practical Syllabus 2024-25 for All Subjects

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CBSE Class 11 Practical Syllabus 2024-25 – A systematic and well-structured syllabus for the upcoming CBSE class 11 practical exams 2024-25 has been issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education. CBSE Class 11 practical exam consists of different experiments, which are also useful for the CBSE class 12 board exam. Therefore, Class 11 students must perform CBSE Class 11 practical exams in a very diligent manner.

CBSE class 11th practical syllabus 2024-25 for Science, Arts, and Commerce is available here on this page. The CBSE class 11 practical carries 30 marks for each subject. For class 11, practical students have to prepare for projects and experiments and must prepare viva questions on the following projects and experiments. The viva consists of 5 marks. Students appearing for the upcoming 2024 exam must have graphs and diagrams as well. 

Class 11 students looking forward to downloading the revised CBSE class 11 practical syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 must follow this page. So, without further wasting time, students must download the CBSE class 11 practical syllabus 2024-25 from this page. 

VSI International School Jaipur

In this article, we have provided all the experiments, projects, and viva questions with answers in a pdf format. Bookmark this page for better performance in the upcoming exam. In Addition, the West Bengal Board WBCHSE has also Announced their Syllabus. Students can download the WBCHSE New Syllabus from its official website.

Also Check: CBSE Class 11th Sample Papers 2024

Must Check: RBSE Class 11th Syllabus 2024

CBSE Class 11 Practical Exam Evaluation Scheme (2024-25)

The evaluation scheme for theory subjects and practical subjects is done on a different basis. In subjects like business studies, history, geography, English, etc., students do not have to perform any experiments. They have to make projects on the topic allotted to them and on the respective project, the viva is conducted. 

Given below is the class 11 practical exam evaluation scheme 2024-25 for all practical subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. 

Must CheckL: CBSE Class 11 Sample Papers 2024

  1. Class 11 students have to record 15 experiments.
  2. Students have to record 2 activities in both sections, A and B, guided by the teachers. 
  3. Create a report of the project. 
Total Time Allowed: 3 HrsMaximum Marks Allotted: 30 marks
Two Experiments from Section A & B8 marks + 8 marks
Experiments & Activities- Practica record6 marks
Project3 Marks
Viva on the basis of experiments, activities, and project5 marks
Total 30 Marks

Also Check: CBSE Class 11 Exam Dates 2023

Download CBSE Class 11th Practical Syllabus (2024-25): Subject-Wise 

From this page, class 11 students can download the revised class 11 practical syllabus 2024-25 with a detailed syllabus, experiments, activities, and viva questions. Also, students can go through the class 11 practical marking scheme of every subject respectively. 

Download CBSE Class 11 Physics Practical Syllabus 2024-25

Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Physics 2024-25, which includes detailed information on all the experiments, activities, projects, and viva questions. The syllabus also includes a marking scheme, which is an added bonus for scoring good marks in the Physics exam. 

Class 11 Practical Physics 2024-25Download

CBSE Class 11 Physics Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

Evaluation SchemeMarks
Practical record7
Two experiments 8+8
Viva on experiments, and activities7

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    Download CBSE Class 11 Biology Practical Syllabus 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Biology 2024-25 with detailed information on all the experiments, activities, projects, and viva questions. And also a marking scheme which is an add on to score good marks in the Biology exam. 

    Class 11 Practical Biology Experiments and Activities (including Viva Questions)Download

    CBSE Class 11 Biology Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Experiment (major)5
    One Minor Experiment (minor)4
    Slide Preparation5
    Practical Record + Viva On the basis of the student’s academic session
    Practical Record + Viva5

    Download CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Chemistry 2024-25 with detailed information on all the experiments, activities, projects, and viva questions. And also a marking scheme which is an add-on to score good marks in the chemistry exam. 

    Download CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical 2024-25Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Salt Analysis8
    Volumetric Analysis8
    Content-Based Experiment6
    Project Work4

    Download CBSE Class 11 Practical for Accountancy 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Accountancy 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the Accountancy exam. 

    CBSE class 11th Accounts Practical Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Practical Examination12
    Practical File4

    Download CBSE Class 11 Practical for Economics 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Economics 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the Economics exam. 

    CBSE Class 11th Economics PracticalDownload Here

    CBSE Class 11 Economics Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Knowledge Content/Research Work6
    Relevance of the topic3
    Presentation Technique3
    Viva 8

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Practical for Business Studies 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Business Studies 2023-24 with detailed information of all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the Business Studies exam. 

    CBSE Class 11th Business Studies PracticalDownload Here

    CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Initiative, cooperativeness, and participation2
    Creativity in presentation2
    Content, observation, and research work4
    Analysis of situations4

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Practical for Entrepreneurship 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Entrepreneurship 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme which is an add-on to score good marks in the Entrepreneurship exam. 

    CBSE class 11th Entrepreneurship Practical Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Entrepreneurship Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Project 110
    Project 210
    Numerical Assessment5

    Must Check: Class 11 Entrepreneurship syllabus, paper pattern, and notes.

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Practical for Computer Science 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Computer Science 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the computer science exam. 

    CBSE Class 11th Computer Science Practical Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Entrepreneurship Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Python program 12
    Report File + Viva10

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Practical for Fine Arts 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Fine Arts 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the Fine Arts exam. 

    CBSE class 11th fine arts Practical Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Fine Arts Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Painting Composition25
    Nature and object study25
    Portfolio Assessment20

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Practical for Political Science 2024-25

    Students can download the revised CBSE class 11th Practical Syllabus for Political Science 2024-25 with detailed information on all the projects. And also a marking scheme, which is an add-on to score good marks in the political science exam. 

    CBSE class 11th political science Practical Download Here

    CBSE Class 11 Political Science Evaluation Scheme 2024-25

    Evaluation SchemeMarks
    Viva 15

    Download Revised CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25

    The CBSE has issued the revised syllabus for class 11 on its official website. As we all know, the CBSE has divided the Class 11 Syllabus into 2 parts, i.e., Term 1 and Term 2. Therefore, students are advised to check and download the pdf of the CBSE Class 11 Term 2 Syllabus 2024-25.

    To achieve high marks in the exams, all students should prefer only the CBSE syllabus.

    CBSE Class 11 Exam 2024-25: Preparation Tips

    1. The student must cover all the topics of the CBSE class 11 syllabus 2024-25.
    2. Students must also prepare for the CBSE class 11 practical exam and follow the CBSE class 11 practical syllabus thoroughly. 
    3. Students must study for at least 6-7 hours daily. 
    4. Students must learn and write so that they have a better understanding of the topics.
    5. They must solve practical questions.
    6. Students must solve CBSE class 11 revision papers and test papers effectively to prepare for the exam.


    So, this is all for the CBSE Class 11 Practical Syllabus for the 2024-25 session. Along with the practical syllabus, you now also have the marking and evaluation scheme for all the subjects.

    As the exams are near, we hope that you are preparing well. To make your preparation even better, we have also provided some effective preparation tips for the class 11 exams. 

    About VSI Jaipur

    VSI Jaipur provides the best 11th and 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST, and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, VSI provides the best CA coaching classes in India and helped thousands of students clear CA exams on the first attempt. Our students scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate, and Final exams. Furthermore, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

    So, begin your CA Journey by joining our 11th commerce classes in offline, online or recorded modes (your choice).

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. What happens in Class 11 Practical exams?

    Ans: The Class 11 Practical exams consist of projects, experiments, and viva. So, students must prepare the projects and experiments and study for the viva questions.

    Q2. Are Practical marks added in class 11th?

    Ans: Yes, the practical marks are added in the Class 11th exams. It usually consists of 30 marks for each subject. 

    Q3. Are Practical exams important in the class 11th?

    Ans: Yes, first of all, the practical exams carry 20-30 marks in each subject. Moreover, it helps in gaining some practical knowledge of the theoretical subject. 

    Q4. What are the subjects of CBSE class 11?

    Ans: CBSE class 11 is divided into three streams and according to the stream subjects are divided. The subjects of CBSE class 11 as per stream, are as follows:

    Science: English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths.

    Arts: English, History, Geography, Fine Arts, Sociology, Psychology.

    Commerce: English, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Entrepreneurship.

    Q5. From where can students download the Revised CBSE class 11 practical syllabus?

    Ans: The revised CBSE class 11 practical syllabus 2024-25 can be downloaded from this page itself. 

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