CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25 (Revised) – Download PDF

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The CBSE board has released the revised Class 12 Business Studies syllabus for the 2024-25 session. The latest BST syllabus of class 12th includes all the chapters and topics covered in the 2024-25 academic session. Furthermore, it also contains the marking scheme and paper pattern for the BST exams.

The BST 12th syllabus covers various topics in detail, such as Principles & functions of management, factors of management, business finance, marketing, and consumer protection.

In this article, students can check the latest Class 12th Business Studies syllabus 2024-25. You can also download the BST syllabus in PDF format.

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CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25

Check the complete Class 12th BST syllabus applicable for the 2024-25 exams in the below table:

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25

Part A: Principles and Functions of Management

Unit 1: Nature and Significance of Management Concept

  1. Management – concept, objectives, and importance
  2. Management as Science, Art, and Profession
  3. Levels of Management
  4. Management functions-planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling
  5. Coordination- concept, and importance

Unit 2: Principles of Management

  1. Principles of Management- concept, and significance
  2. Fayol’s principles of management
  3. Taylor’s Scientific management- principles and techniques

Unit 3: Business Environment

  1. Business Environment- concept and importance
  2. Dimensions of Business Environment- Economic,
  3. Social, Technological, Political, and Legal

Unit 4: Planning

  1. Planning: Concept, importance, and limitation
  2. Planning process

Unit 5: Organising

  1. Organizing: Concept and importance
  2. Structure of organization- functional and divisional concept
  3. Delegation: concept, elements, and importance
  4. Decentralization: concept and importance

Unit 6: Staffing

  1. Staffing: Concept and importance
  2. Staffing process
  3. Recruitment process
  4. Selection – process
  5. Training and Development – Concept and importance, Methods of training – on the job and off the job – vestibule training, apprenticeship training, and internship training

Unit 7: Directing

  1. Directing: Concept and importance
  2. Elements of Directing
  3. Motivation – concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Financial and non-financial incentives
  4. Leadership – concept, styles – authoritative, democratic, and laissez-faire
  5. Communication – concept, formal and informal communication

Unit 8: Controlling

  1. Controlling – Concept and importance
  2. Steps in process of control
  3. Part B: Business Finance and Marketing

Part B: Business Finance and Marketing

Unit 9: Financial Management

  1. Financial Management: Concept, role, and objectives
  2. Financial decisions: investment, financing, and dividend- Meaning and factors affecting
  3. Financial Planning – concept and importance
  4. Capital Structure – concept and factors affecting capital structure
  5. Fixed and Working Capital – Concept and factors affecting their requirements

Unit 10: Financial Markets

  1. Financial Markets: Concept, Functions, and types
  2. Money market and its instruments
  3. Capital market: Concept, types (primary and secondary), methods of floatation in the primary market
  4. Stock Exchange – Meaning, Functions and trading procedure
  5. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) – objectives and functions

Unit 11: Marketing

  1. Marketing – Concept, functions, and philosophies – Product, Prize, and Standard
  2. Marketing Mix – Concept and elements
  3. Product – branding, labelling, and packaging –Concept
  4. Price – Concept, Factors determining the price
  5. Physical Distribution – concept
  6. Promotion – Concept, and elements; Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations

Unit 12: Consumer Protection

  1. Consumer Protection: Concept
  2. Consumer Protection Act 1986:
  3. Meaning of consumer
  4. Rights and responsibilities of consumers Who can file a complaint?
  5. Redressal machinery
  6. Remedies available

Check the complete CBSE class 12 syllabus for all the subjects from this page.

How to Download CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25?

Follow the steps to download the pdf of the 12th Bst curriculum:

  1. Go to the CBSE official website –
  2. In the menu section, hover on the “Curriculum” and select the “Curriculum 2024-25”.
  3. On the new page, click on “Senior Secondary Curriculum (XI-XII)”.
  4. In the drop-down, select Academic Electives – (Group A).
  5. You can click on the 12th Business Studies syllabus and download the PDF.
Downloading Class 12th BST syllabus PDF

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Download the 12th BST Syllabus 2024-25 PDF

Class 12th Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25 PDFDownload

Also, Check: Class 12th Economic Books pdf.

CBSE Class 12th Business Studies Marking Scheme 2024-25

Check the marking scheme for all the chapters of BST from the table mentioned below:

Theory: 80 Marks, 3 Hours, Project: 20 Marks 

Part APrinciples and Functions of Management
1.Nature and Significance of Management1216
2Principles of Management14
3Business Environment20
Part BBusiness Finance and Marketing
9Financial Management2015
10Financial Markets18
11Marketing Management3015
12Consumer Protection12
Part CProject Work (One)3020

Check all the details about the class 12 practical exams including the dates, syllabus, tips, and more.

Question Paper Design of 12th BST Exams

The image below shows the question paper design of the class 12th Business Studies paper for the March 2025 exams.

Class 12th BST Question Paper Design

Also, Check: Class 12th English Project

Preparation Tips for the 12th BST Syllabus

Follow these study tips to excel in the BST exams and get good grades class 12th result 2024:

  • Students must follow the CBSE Class 12th business studies syllabus and the NCERT 12th books. Further, they can take the help of reference books to understand the concepts in a detailed manner.
  • As the BST paper has lots of case studies, the major focus should be on understanding and not on memorizing the course.
  • Prepare notes simultaneously while studying a topic.
  • Make a study plan to complete the BST syllabus on time.
  • Revise the full course at least 2-3 times.
  • During the last 1 month, solve at least 3 mock test papers in a week and analyze them. Further, download the class 12 commerce papers of the last 5 attempts and practice them too.


Students can download the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25 from the above article. They can also get the complete details regarding the marking scheme and deleted topics from the CBSE Syllabus for Class 12th Business Studies.

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About VSI Jaipur

VSI Jaipur provides the best 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, if you aspire to become a CA, you can join our coaching classes and clear the CA exams on the first attempt. VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching in India and our students have scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate and Final exams. Moreover, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

Further, we also provide the best CMA and ACCA coaching classes for all levels. So, join VSI Jaipur’s online or offline classes to get the best class 12th result and build a strong foundation for CA/CMA/ACCA.


Ques 1. How many chapters are there in the class 12th Business Studies syllabus?

Ans. There are a total of 12 chapters in class 12th Business Studies.

Ques 2. From where I can check the 12th BST curriculum?

Ans. The 12th BST syllabus is available on the CBSE official website and on this page.

Ques 3. How can I learn business studies in class 12?

Ans. Students are advised not to focus on just memorizing the topics. The chapters covered in the 12th Business Studies books are very practical and students can relate them to real-world scenarios.

Ques 4. Are Ncert books enough for the Class 12 BST exam?

Ans. Yes, the Ncert books are sufficient and cover all the topics of the 12th Business Studies syllabus.

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