CBSE Class 12th Sample Papers Maths 2024-25 with Solutions PDF

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Are you finding it difficult to prepare for the maths board exam? Maths is a highly-scoring subject in intermediate final exams, but it requires certain preparation and practice. You must have a clear understanding of every concept mentioned in NCERT books, along with an insight into syllabus weightage. CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers Maths can help students prepare for final board exams. These papers are created by experts and are based on actual CBSE board papers. In this article, we have provided a few details and tips to prepare for the board exams.

Along with the Maths sample papers, you can also download CBSE Class 12 Sample paper English and CBSE Accounts Sample Paper Class 12 from the given links.

Furthermore, you can also check the Class 12th Commerce Papers 2024 with the following link.

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Also, Check: Class 12th English Project

CBSE Sample Paper Class 12 Maths 2024-25 PDF Download

CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample Paper Year Wise ( pdf ) is updated in the table below. You can download a direct PDF file of class 12 maths sample papers.

CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample PapersPDF LinkMarking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample Paper 2024-25DownloadDownload
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How to Download CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample Papers?

Those who are tired of searching for the link to download CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths can use the below-given methods to access the sample question papers without any problem.

  • Step 1: Open the official Website i.e.
  • Step 2: Navigate and click on the CBSE Academic section
  • Now select the SQP Class XII
  • CBSE 12th sample paper download link for all subjects will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the CBSE Sample paper 2024-25 class 12 for all subjects by clicking each link.

Also, Check – Class 12th Economic Books pdf

How to prepare for Maths for the Class 12 Board Exam?

Preparing for board exams, especially for maths exams, can be a bit stressful. These are the important exam for student’s future, and they need to be sure they do well. Each student must have an exam strategy prepared that suits them to help ace the math board exam.

Students can start their preparation by understanding their syllabus for class 12th maths thoroughly. They can curate a study plan to cover each topic and understand concepts to clear exams. They must also start solving CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers maths and each exercise in the NCERT book for better understanding. The marking scheme is equally beneficial in preparation, which we have mentioned below in a table-

Internal Assessment20
Vectors & three-dimensional geometry14
Relation and Functions08
Linear Programming05

General Tips for Class 12 Maths

Understand syllabus weightage- Students need to understand the syllabus weightage and prepare for the board exam according to it. When you solve CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers maths, make sure you sort the maximum to minimum weightage topic list and focus on the maximum weightage topic for the actual exam.

Don’t skip NCERT- Yes, reference books are great, but never miss NCERT books. The book contains exhaustive exercises and examples for each topic. If you practice well through the NCERT book along with Sample paper class 12 maths 2024-25, it is enough to score good marks.

Practice Sample papers- CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers Maths offers a much-needed insight into actual board exams. The sample papers are based on years of actual board papers where you can get insight into repetitive topics, questions, and maximum weightage topics. Practising sample paper also offers the skill of time management.

Practice Self-evaluation- When it comes to maths board paper, self-evaluation is the key. Try solving Class 12 maths sample paper 2024-25 after every few topics. Solving papers will let you know your weak and grey areas so that you can improve in them.

Regular practice- It is an important part of exam preparation. Try solving questions from the course book, reference book, and CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers maths. Practising daily will help boost confidence and give insight into the actual exam.

Benefits of Solving Class 12th Sample Paper Maths

There are various benefits of solving the Class 12 maths sample paper 2024-25 students can get. Here is the list of a few-

  • Time management Skills– Students must solve the question paper in a given time frame inside the examination hall. Time management skills are beneficial in such a scenario. When you solve CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers maths, it helps you to manage time in real-time as the sample paper is based on actual paper, and you have already practised it.
  • Allow Self-Evaluation- Preparing and solving sample papers allows students to go through a self-evaluation process. The sample papers are based on actual maths board exams and follow the same pattern. When students solve a paper, they come to know where they lack.
  • Prepare exam strategy- After solving the Sample paper for class 12 Maths 2024-25, students can prepare an exam strategy. It will give them a perspective on which part to attempt first and what are the strong and weak topics.
  • Identify common mistakes– Solving CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers Maths allows students to look for silly mistakes they commit while doing papers. Practising sample papers will help them to avoid these mistakes in actual exams.

FAQs – 

1. What is the pass mark for Class 12 Maths CBSE?

Ans: According to CBSE criteria, passing marks for maths in class 12 is 27 marks out of 80.

2. Are CBSE Sample QPs and Sample QPs for the Maths subject the same?

Ans: Yes, the maths Sample paper class 12 issued by CBSE and Sample QPs are the same.

3. How many days of preparation are necessary to score high marks in the Class 12 CBSE Maths board examination?

Ans: It is advisable to start your preparation for the maths board exam from day one. It helps to minimize the stress of preparation at the last minute.

4. Is the CBSE maths paper difficult?

Ans: The CBSE maths paper is challenging but is not too difficult if a student prepares for it and keeps practising CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers maths.

5. How to score 100 per cent in maths class 12?

Ans: Focus on the NCERT maths book and sample QPs by CBSE. Whenever you start a new chapter, make sure you practice it daily and learn formulas, flowcharts, graphs, and even go through examples in chapters. Solve exercises at the end of the chapter, as it will clear your doubts.

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