How To Prepare For 12th Board Exams (Commerce)

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Students, 12th Board Exams are the most important part of your career. The 12th Board percentage will become the criteria of various scholarships in your further studies. The board exam score will form part of your C.V. in the future, also it makes you eligible for several Govt. jobs. Hence, you need to give your 100% in your 12th board exams and attain a dream score that might be 90% or even 99%. Do check out the CBSE class 12th datasheet, and plan your studies accordingly.

And when we are talking to the commerce students, things will automatically get interesting. The Arts students need to learn a lot of theoretical topics and have to be very creative while giving the performance in their practicals and on the other hand Science students have to remember infinite formulas, concepts and practice countless numerical questions. However, the commerce stream is far different from the Arts and Science. Here students have to face a lot of challenges related to no. of calculations, a vast syllabus, and studying business-related terms.

Before sharing with you the tips to score high marks in your CBSE class 12th Board result in Commerce, give yourself an assurance that you are completely dedicated, passionate, and will do hard work at any cost.

Commerce Ka Arjun Scholarship Program 2025-26 Free CBSE Class 12th Guess Papers with Solution 2024-25

After the completion of the class 12th board exams, students can pursue the CA course after class 12th. 

Successful People are not gifted, they just work hard, then succeed on Purpose.

So, let’s start with how to prepare for the 12th Board Exams Commerce. Here we are giving you tips subject wise –

How to Score Good Marks in 12th Commerce Boards

Accountancy –

Everybody knows that Accountancy is the core subject in the Commerce stream. Hence, your concepts of Accounting must be clear and should be on your tips. The paper should be attained with a perfection, For ex – You should always give narration below the Journal Entry, Balance Sheet should be drawn in a proper format and separate working notes should be given with the answer wherever required.

Some Tips for Studying Accountancy –

  1. Journal Entry must be on your tips. If you can journalize any transaction, you can solve every question.
  2. Prepare for the chapters like Company Accounts, Cash Flow Statements, and Partnership firms as they carry around 60% weighting in your paper.
  3. Do not learn the formulas, understand them by heart and you will never forget such. For example – formulae for the ratio analysis.
  4. Not just the concept, formats of the Balance sheet, Trial Balance, and Ledger covers a good score. So make sure to present your answer in the proper format either of Balance Sheet, Ledger Accounts or Journals.
  5. Accountancy needs more and more practice, hence you should solve as many questions as you can. Also, don’t limit yourself over the reference books and do solve previous year board papers.
  6. Further, often students leave the theory part of Accounts which is equally important as practical. Therefore, cover the theory with the practical.
  7. The answers must be supported by proper working notes wherever required.

From the practicing point, D.K. Goel has been referred to as the best book for Accountancy. Furthermore, students can download the CBSE class 12 Accountancy sample papers of the past years for the 2023 exams.

Business Studies –

The majority of students consider Business Studies as a scoring paper. The concepts are easy to understand and write as well. Here the students have to pay more attention to the presentation of a paper.

Tips for Studying Business Studies –

  1. Business Studies is a complete theoretical paper. Therefore, it needs timely revision. Otherwise, the things will gonna be flush from your mind.
  2. Well, during the revision you must try to cover maximum chapters at the same time. For Ex- after completing chapter 1, revise it. After completing ch – 2, give revision to both ch -1 and 2 as well and in the same manner continue your revision. Possibly, you forget some points of Ch -1, but at least this way can showcase the true image of your preparation. So, involve such revision into your habit.
  3. Most of the Questions in Business Studies ask your opinion like “Do you agree with this statement……”. Then you must also present your answer like you are sharing your opinion. Simply starts with “I agree with this statement because….”. Case studies are always scoring so give some practice.
  4. Prepare short notes to revise the course before the exam. Every time, completing the books can be burdensome so start preparing short notes which can help you revise the whole course in very less time.
  5. Use the mnemonics to learn the heading or points.
  6. Always present your answers into a number of points because lengthy paragraphs can make the examiner stressful and he may not give the full marks.

Economics –

You might be afraid of thinking about how to complete such a vast syllabus of Economics. Well, the syllabus becomes lengthy only when the student tries to cover courses from multiple books. but if you are strict with your NCERT Class 12th economics book only, you will find sufficient time to complete your syllabus.

This subject demands from you to enhance your Analytical and Logical Reasoning skills. The concepts must be on your tips say it relationship between total product and marginal product or total fixed cost and average fixed cost.

Tips for Studying Economics –

  1. As the course of this subject is very wide so you should prepare handwritten notes for every chapter which are easy to understand and revise as well.
  2. There are plenty of diagrams in both Macro and Micro Economics so you practice drawing neatly labeled diagrams. Although, you are getting marks for your drawing skills but unlabelled diagrams definitely not going to help you in getting any marks.
  3. The paper of Economics mostly comprises of many differences between concepts and terms. So, you must prepare the differences very well and also try to present them only in a tabular form so that it can be distinguished neatly.
  4. Also, practice past year papers as it can help you to identify the pattern of questions and understand what actually examiner wants to ask.
  5. The day before exams, do not practice the questions, just revise the whole concept and theories from the short notes you have prepared.

These are some of the tips on how to prepare for the 12th Board commerce exams which will surely help you to achieve 90+ marks in your 12th board commerce exams. You can also download the class 12 commerce question papers and practice them before the exams.

Further, students must also focus on the class 12th practical exams, as they are scoring. By giving sufficient time on the class 12 practicals, you can get 20 marks in each of your board exams. So, don’t ignore the practical exams.

Here we have discussed the study tips of all the optional subjects in 12th commerce. Hope you find this article helpful. So stay in tune with us for our next article Exam Tips for 12th commerce.

Also Read: What to do 12th in Hindi


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can class 12 students prepare for the board exams?

Class 12th board exams are very crucial for every student. To prepare for class 12 board exams students need to make a proper study plan. They should always try to utilize the time to study. Also, class 12 students are advised to cover those subjects in which they face difficulties. 

Q2. How many hours should a class 12th candidates devote to their studies?

 Apart from their school, class 12 candidates must study for a minimum of 6 hours daily. 

Q3. Which book does class 12 students refer to for the preparation for board exams?

Class 12 candidates must refer NCERT for the preparation of class 12 board exams also should refer to some reference books. 

Q4. What to do after class 12 board exams?

After class 12 board exams students can enroll with UG courses in the respective stream or can choose various long term and short term courses. To know all about the courses after class 12 students can visit this page.

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