How VSI Gives Best Results in CA?


As you know, the examination result of the CA Foundation generally remains about 30 to 35 per cent, whereas the result of CA Intermediate and CA final examinations remain at about 10 per cent. Such low result data create fear among prospective CA students. They may start thinking, about whether they would be able to do CA or not.

But now, the students should not worry as VSI has identified the factors in which the students lack behind and how they can overcome them. And to deal with these reasons, VSI has developed a robust system to pass the CA examinations. If the students seriously follow this system in totality, passing the CA examination will become as easy as passing the 12th class examination; even in the first attempt.

To pass CA examinations, the students require two things: Firstly hard work for continuous studies and secondly proper guidance. Generally, it is seen that students achieve their first goal which is hard work, precisely but still they fail. The reason for this is the lack of expert guidance.


 Jaipur CentreOther than Jaipur Centre

Online Classes

(Study at your Home)

Expected Role in CA Results
(i) ClassesFace to faceRecordedRecorded10%
(ii) Mock TestConductedConductedConducted40%
(iii) Personalized GuidanceProvided TelephonicallyProvided TelephonicallyProvided Telephonically50%

1. Classes

Generally, It is assumed that the classes and faculties associated with the coaching’s play a major role in CA results. Therefore the students try to join the best coaching institute. But in the opinion of VSI, the role of classes in CA results is only about 10%. The reason is being that every student thinks that, “I am taking coaching from the best faculty”, but the result remains 8 to 10% only. Also, it is observed that two students studying in the same class, one may secure All India First Rank, and another may fail. If the classes and faculties have played a major role, all the students attending the same class might have either scored the first rank or might have failed. But this does not happen.

CA Foundation Coaching

12th Class

Batches for English Medium

CA Inter

CA Foundation Cleared or Graduate

Batches for English Medium

CA Final


Batches for English

CA Intermediate January 2025 AIR

CA Intermidiate Jan 2025
CA Intermidiate Jan 2025

VSI CA Foundation Toppers Jan 2025

Ca Foundation Jan 2025

VSI CA Foundation Toppers Dec 2023

CA Foundation Dec 2023 Result (VSI Students)

(Total Students Passed – 528)
300+ Marks61 Students
250+ Marks246 Students
200+ Marks528 Students

2. Mock Test

As per VSI pattern, the Mock Tests plays 40% role in C.A. results.

There are three benefits of Mock Tests.

(i) Engage Students in Extra Study :

As we see during CA examinations, the students can study for 15 to 18 hours a day. But during ordinary days they find it difficult to continue to study for even 5 to 7 hours. If the students are required to appear in Mock Test conducted with certain intervals, they have to maintain continuity in studies. Thus the preparation for Mock Test makes the students go for extra-studies, which results in ‘Mastery’ of the subject and extra – marks in the examination.

(ii) Enable students to attempt 100% paper :

In CA examination most of the students attempt papers of 80 to 90 marks only. It happens because the student lacks a skill called ‘Time Management’. The students taking Mock Tests can know their strengths and weaknesses regarding the time taken in understanding questions, accuracy, and speed in making calculations, writing speed etc. Thus Mock Tests enable the students to learn how they can manage their time to attempt 100% paper.

(iii) Develops an ability to give a more relevant answer :

The students appearing in Mock Test learn to make a distinction between less relevant and more relevant answer points. Consequently, he/she learns to improve the quality of the answer as desired by ICAI norms and standards.

VSI CA Intermediate Toppers Nov 2023

CA Inter Rankers Nov 2023 CA Mobile banner 2024

CA Intermediate Nov 2023 Results

(Total Students Passed – 495)
View All Students List
80 Above marks4 student
70 Above marks47 students
60 Above marks247 students
Corporate and Other Laws
View All Students List
80 Above marks2 students
70 Above marks32 students
60 Above marks198 students
Cost and Management Accounting
View All Students List
80 Above marks9 students
70 Above marks27 students
60 Above marks113 students
View All Students List
70 Above marks4 student
60 Above marks30 students
Advanced Accounting
View All Students List
80 Above marks7 students
70 Above marks54 students
60 Above marks198 students
View All Students List
90 Above marks1 students
80 Above marks2 students
70 Above marks8 students
60 Above marks39 students
Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management
View All Students List
80 Above marks2 students
70 Above marks4 students
60 Above marks41 students
Financial Management & Economics for Finance
View All Students List
80 Above marks12 students
70 Above marks51 students
60 Above marks152 students

Features of VSI Mock Tests

(i) Designing of Mock Test Papers :

Generally, people believe that it is easy to design and conduct Mock Test Papers. But it is not so easy. Mock tests should be prepared and conducted in such a way that student learns various dimensions which are essential to clear the CA examination. Mock test conducted by VSI takes care of all these dimensions. In the same question papers, if the seriality of questions is being changed, it makes a lot of difference in results. Therefore, through Mock Tests we make the students learn which questions should be attempted first, how to maintain the quality of answers, and how to manage time to attempt all required question in scheduled time.

(ii) Unbiased paper setting :

The objective of Mock Tests cannot be achieved if the faculties associated with classes are setting the Mock Test papers. The question paper set designed by the concerned faculty members may become biased, and the base of the paper may become limited only to the questions which have been taught in the class. In such a situation the students securing very good marks in Mock Test may secure average marks in the Main CA Examination.

VSI has also faced this challenge and to deal with this challenge, Chairman Shri Dr CA R.C. Sharma did depth study of all the subjects of CA Foundation, IPCC, Intermediate and CA Final classes. After making continuous efforts for two years, now he himself design papers, answer keys and marking pattern of Mock Tests. Even assessment of the answer books of Mock Test is being done by the experts other than the faculty members associated with respective classes. This change has enabled the students to secure more marks, than the marks secured by them at Mock Tests. The CA IPCC results for the preceding six years reflect the impact of this change. VSI students have secured three times All India 1st Rank at IPCC Examinations in the last six years. In IPCC examination, May 2015 VSI has received to its credit first and second All India Rank along with 7th Rank.

In CA Final May 2018, only seven students were being taught in the first batch of CA final for all subjects. And VSI got AIR –1, AIR– 17 & AIR– 48 and all students were passed.

Moreover, in the CA Final Result of May 2022, many All India Rankers from VSI have given credits to the mock test series conducted here.

All these dimensions justify the 40% contribution of Mock Tests in CA results.

VSI CA Final Rankers Nov 2023

ca final rankers Short Code Banner 2023

Summary of VSI Jaipur CA Final Nov 2023 Result

StudentsTotal Students PassedPassing % Ranks
VSI Regular Students 72 48 67% AIR – 6, 14, 34, 38, 45, 49 Total 6 AIR
VVMP Students 249 115 46% AIR – 3, 29, 32, 43, 45 Total 5 AIR
321 163 11 AIR

Subject Wise CA Final Nov 2023 Results

(Total Students Passed – 163)

Financial Reporting

View All Students List

60 Above marks24 student

Strategic Financial Management

View All Students List

80 Above marks1 students
70 Above marks14 students
60 Above marks46 students
Advanced Auditing and Professinal Ethics
View All Students List
70 Above marks5 students
60 Above marks14 students

Corporate and Economic Laws

View All Students List

70 Above marks2 student
60 Above marks12 students

Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation

View All Students List

70 Above marks1 students
60 Above marks19 students


View All Students List

80 Above marks5 students
70 Above marks47 students
60 Above marks185 students

Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation

View All Students List

80 Above marks3 students
70 Above marks9 students
60 Above marks38 students

Indirect Tax Laws

View All Students List

80 Above marks2 students
70 Above marks14 students
60 Above marks38 students

3. Personalized Guidance

The students preparing for CA examinations have different levels of understanding, intelligence, knowledge and pick-up ability. Shri R.C. Sharma, Chairman of VSI, categorize these students in 50 groups. The distribution of the students in these groups is based on their performance in Mock Tests. Each category of students requires a different sort of guidance. Accordingly, as decided by the chairman sir, the counselors of the Institute provide personalized guidance to the students.

We fully understand the importance of guidance, and it is needed from the beginning itself. In the CA Foundation Result June 2023, our 302 students cleared the exams. Many students gave credit to the personalized guidance and motivation given to them.

In Jaipur City, these efforts of VSI have changed the attitude of prospective CA students about their examinations. Most of the students associated with VSI do not have a fear of exams. They have developed the confidence to win the game. An exception might be everywhere. Now our mission is to benefit prospective CA students all over India. To develop the attitude that passing CA Examination is as easy as passing the 12th class examination among the students all over India. Also, VSI is going to invite Franchise to conduct online classes.

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