JAC Board 12th Exam, Time Table, Pass Percentage, Results 2024-25

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Jharkhand board conducts the JAC 12th board exams at the end of the academic year. There are three major streams in the class 12th JAC board: Science, Commerce, and Arts.

Before starting the preparation, students must check the latest JAC 12th syllabus 2024-25 to know the units and topics they must study for the exams. After completing the syllabus, they should revise it and practice question papers. As you solve the question papers, you’ll also get to know the marking scheme and frequent questions in the papers.

The Jharkhand board will issue the timetable in January 2024-25 on its official website. Furthermore, students will get their 12th admit card in February 2024-25. After the exams in March 2024-25, students can expect their JAC 12th result 2024-25 in June 2025.

VSI International School Jaipur

In this article, you’ll get all the important details about the Jharkhand Board 12th exams, including syllabus, timetable, marking scheme, admit card, result, passing percentage, and more.

Also check: JAC Board 12th Syllabus

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JAC 12th Board Exam 2024-25: Overview

Full Exam NameJharkhand Academic Council 12th Examination
Short Exam NameJAC 12th Board
Conducting BodyJharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
Frequency of ConductAnnual
Exam LevelIntermediate
Mode of ExamOffline
Admit CardFebruary 2023
ExamMarch 2023
Exam Duration3 Hours

JAC Board Class 12th Syllabus 2024-25

From the below table, you can download the class 12th syllabus 2024-25 of the Jharkhand Board:

JAC 12th SubjectsDownload Syllabus PDF
JAC 12th Accountancy SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th Business Studies & Psychology SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th Mathematics SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th English SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th Physics SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th Biology SyllabusDownload
JAC 12th Sanskrit SyllabusDownload

Importance of JAC Board Syllabus

To achieve good marks in the class 12th examination students need to follow the syllabus. Jharkhand Academic Council covers all the important topics and chapters for class 12th students. It is very important to study all the topics and chapters for class 12th students.

This will lead students to achieve good marks in their examinations. The topics and chapters that are planned by the Jharkhand Board will help class 12th students in the future when students join colleges.

Jharkhand Board Marking Scheme for Class 12th

SubjectQuestionsMarksPassing Marks
Political Science35100
Business Mathematics31100

JAC Board 12th Timetable 2024-25

The JAC 12th timetable has been released by the board for the 2024-25 examinations. The theory exams will be conducted from March 24 to April 25, 2025 (tentative).

Check the JAC class 12 exam dates 2025 from the table below:

24 March 2025Vocational SubjectI.A., I.Sc. , & I.Com.
26 March 2025Elective Language (Compulsory),I.A.
Additional LanguageI.Sc. , & I.Com.
28 March 2025Compulsory Core Language Hindi ‘A’, Hindi ‘B’ +Matribhasha & English ‘A’I.A.
29 March 2025Compulsory Core Language Hindi ‘A’, Hindi ‘B’ +Matribhasha & English ‘A’I.Sc. , & I.Com.
30 March 2025MusicI.A.
2 April 2025Computer ScienceI.Sc. , I.Com.
5 April 2025EconomicsI.Sc. & I.Com.
7 April 2025PhilosophyI.A.
8 April 2025PhysicsI.Sc.
9 April 2025HistoryI.A.
12 April 2025GeologyI.Sc.
Business StudiesI.Com.
Home ScienceI.A.
16 April 2025Biology (Botony+Zoology)I.Sc.
Business MathematicsI.Com
18 April 2025EconomicsI.A.
19 April 2025ChemistryI.Sc.
20 April 2025GeographyI.A.
22 April 2025Mathematics / StatisticsI.A., I.Sc. , & I.Com.
25 April 2025Political ScienceI.A.

Preparation Tips for Class 12th Students

  • Try to cover the syllabus well on time. And to complete the syllabus it is important to have a detailed study plan.
  • It is better to adopt regular study habits for timely completion of the course and effective results.
  • Do not forget to revise what you studied on the same day for effective retentivity.
  • Practice enough questions which involve calculation for accuracy and maintenance of speed.
  • While studying do not forget to make notes comprising important keywords for better revision during exam time.
  • Practice enough previous year question papers (at least past 10-year question papers) for a better idea of the types of questions being asked in the examination, you will also get to know how many questions get repeated in the examination, hence you can prepare those questions effectively.

JAC Board 12th Admit Card 2024-25

The Jharkhand Academic Council has been released in the month of November for term 1 and in February 2024-25 for term 2 examinations. The student’s JAC 12th Admit Card includes all the necessary student details the name, enrollment no, etc.

The JAC 12th admit card 2025 will be released in February 2024-25.

Steps to Download the JAC 12th Admit Card 2024-25

Students can follow the steps for downloading the JAC 12th Admit Card 2024-25 from the official website of the Jharkhand Board.

  1. Visit the official website of the Jharkhand board i.e.,https://jac.jharkhand.gov.in/jac/
  2. In the Recent Announcement Section on the screen, you will find an intermediate admit card link.
  3. Click on the intermediate admit card link.
  4. Now you will have to enter the username and password.
  5. Your admit card will be displayed.

The admit card of the student gets checked before entering the examination room. As you know the importance of the admit card you must keep it very safe and it is advised to take 2-3 photocopies of the same in case you lose the original one.

Details Mentioned on JAC 12th Hall Ticket 2024-25

Students must check the following details mentioned on the admit card and in case of any mistake, they should immediately contact the concerned authority of the board.

  1. Students Name
  2. Photograph
  3. Father’s Name
  4. Students Signature
  5. Gender of the Student
  6. Exam center name
  7. Roll No.
  8. School Code
  9. Examination Center Address
  10. Subject Name and code
  11. Timings of Examination
  12. Instructions for Students

Exam Day Instructions for All Students

All the students are advised to follow the exam day instructions that are mentioned below:

  • Students must reach the examination hall at least 45 minutes early.
  • Do not forget to carry your admit card, as you are not allowed to enter the hall without that.
  • Pack your bag properly and recheck whether you have taken everything or not.
  • Don’t take any electronic device with you such as a mobile, digital watch, calculator, etc.

JAC Board 12th Result 2024-25

For streams such as the Arts, Commerce, and Science, the JAC 12th Result will be declared by the Jharkhand Academic Council in June 2025. The result will be declared on the official website.

Steps to Check the JAC Class 12 Result

Follow the below-mentioned steps to check your JAC intermediate result 2025.

  1. Visit the official website of the Jharkhand board https://www.jac.nic.in/
  2. Visit the result section.
  3. Enter your Roll Code and Roll Number.
  4. After entering the information hit the submit button.
  5. You will be able to download the JAC 12th result in 2025.
JAC Class 12th result

JAC Intermediate result in 2025 check via SMS

Students can also get their Jharkhand board class 12th result 2025 via SMS. students just have to type a msg “Result JAC12 Roll Code Roll No” and send it to 56263.

JAC class 12th result 2025 results links

  1. Jacresult.com
  2. Jac.jharkhand.gov.in
  3. jac.nic.in

Important abbreviations used in Jharkhand board class 12th 2025 Marksheet

u/rUnder regulation
1stFirst division
f/aFully absent
2ndSecond division
3rdThird division

Revaluation / Rechecking of JAC 12th Result 2025

As the results are out, there will be students who will be dancing out of joy because of achieving the expected result. On the other hand, some students are not satisfied with their results.

So the Jharkhand Board has made provisions for those students. In case the students feel they did not get the expected marks, they can apply for revaluation or rechecking of their answers sheets. The students are required to submit an application for revaluation the required fees for revaluation shall also be paid.

JAC Class 12th Compartment Exam

Despite all the hard work and sincere efforts, students who failed to perform well in the Jharkhand board 12th result can appear for compartment exams. The exam for compartment exam 2025 will be conducted in the month of July or August.

To appear in the JAC compartment exam, students have to fill out the application form on the official website of the Jharkhand board. They can check the result of the JAC compartment exam 2025 at http://www.jacresults.com/.

JAC Board 12th Toppers

After the result declaration, the Jharkhand board also releases the toppers list. The board has already declared the toppers of the 2025 exams. Check the JAC toppers of Commerce and Arts streams in the following tables.

JAC 12th Arts Toppers

RankStudent NameMarks
1Mansi Saha474
2Rohit Kacchap467
3Anchal Kumari465
4Priya Kumari460

JAC 12th Commerce Toppers

RankStudent NameMarks
1Nikky Kumari474
2Shreya Pandey467
3Nushrat Jahan, Sanjana Pramanik, Pragati Susang,465
4Kashish Kumari, Ananta Mishra,460

JAC Class 12th Science Toppers 2025

Priya Kumari489
Priya Kumari486
Juhi Parveen485
Aakancha Kumari484
Simran Parveen483

JAC Intermediate Result Pass Percentage

The Jharkhand board’s class 12th exams have passing marks in subjects as 23/70 and 33/100. In the 2025 12th class result at least 33% marks are needed to be declared as passed for the student.

Students can also apply for the Best Courses after the 12th.

About VSI Jaipur

VSI Jaipur provides the best 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, if you aspire to become a CA, you can join our coaching classes and clear the CA exams on the first attempt. VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching in India and our students have scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate and Final exams. Moreover, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

Further, we also provide the best CMA and ACCA coaching classes for all levels. So, join VSI Jaipur’s online or offline classes to get the best class 12th result and build a strong foundation for CA/CMA/ACCA.

Related questions on the JAC 12th Class Exams

Q: Is the JAC result date 2025 for class 12th announced?

A: No, the Jharkhand board has not announced the result date of the 2025 exams but tentatively it comes in May 2025.

Q: When was the JAC 12th exam conducted?

A: The next JAC 12th exam will be conducted from March 14 to April 5, 2025 (expected).

Q: What was the exact duration of the JAC 12th exam?

A: For each subject, the duration of the 12th exam of JAC was three hours.

Q: What are the full marks for the JAC 12th exam?

A: For the JAC 12th exam, the weightage of the total marks is 500.

Q: What courses to do after class 12 board exams?

A: After class 12 board exams students can enroll in UG courses in the respective stream or can choose various long-term and short-term courses. To know all about the courses after class 12 students can visit this page.

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