Maharashtra State Board Syllabus 2024-25 for Class 12th

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The Maharashtra State Board has released the 12th 2024-25 session syllabus on its official website – mahahsscboard. in. The MSBSHSE board is responsible for conducting the exams and issuing the syllabus.

The MSBSHSE board is responsible for conducting the Maharashtra HSC class 12th exams and issuing the syllabus. The Maharashtra State Board reduced Class 12th 2024-25 syllabus will be released on its official website.

Maharashtra Board Syllabus 2024-25

There are 3 streams in the Maharashtra board: Science, Commerce & Arts. However, subjects like English, Maths, Computer, and EVS are the same for all three streams.

VSI International School Jaipur

The Maharashtra board 12th class syllabus consists of all the chapters students have to study and their weightage in the exams. The syllabus also tells you the essential topics and paper patterns that will help in your preparation. Therefore, all the students are advised to follow the latest curriculum to prepare well for the exams.

Maharashtra Board will conduct HSC board exams from February 11 to March 18, 2025. Each subject will carry a total of 100 marks.

  • The Theory paper will carry 80 marks for subjects without particles.
  • The particle subjects theory exam will carry 70 marks.

In this article, you’ll get the direct link to download the reduced Maharashtra State Board 12th syllabus 2024-25 pdf for all subjects of Science, Commerce, and arts. Furthermore, you’ll also get the marking pattern and crucial tips for the exams.

Maharashtra HSC Exam 2024: Highlights

Name of the BoardMaharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE)
Exam NameMaharashtra HSC Exams 2025
Mode of ExaminationOffline
Exam DatesFeb 11 to March 18, 2025
Free CBSE Class 12th Guess Papers with Solution 2024-25

Maharashtra Board Exam Dates 2025

Maharashtra Board HSC Time Table
Exam Date (Tentative)Morning Shift (11 AM – 2:10 PM)Evening Shift (3 PM – 6:10 PM)
February 11, 2025English
February 2025HindiGerman, Japanese, Chinese, Persian
February 2025Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Sindhi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, BengaliUrdu, French, Spanish, Pali
February 2025Maharashtra Prakrut, SanskritArdhamagadhi, Russian, Arabic
February 2025Organisation of Commerce & Management
February 2025Logic, Physics
February 2025Secretarial Practice, Home management (A/B)
March 2025ChemistryPolitical Science
March 2025Mathematics & Statistics (A/B), Mathematics & Statistics (C)Percussion Instruments (A)
March 2025Child Development, Agriculture Science & Technology (A/B/C), Animal Science & Technology (A/B/C)
March 2025Cooperation (A/B/C)
March 2025Biology (S), History & Development of Indian Music (A)
March 2025Textiles (A/B)Bookkeeping & Accountancy (A/B/C)
March 2025Geology (S)Economics (A/B/C)
March 2025Food Sciences & TechnologyPhilosophy, History of Art & Appreciation (Painting, Sculpture, Architecture)
March 2025Vocational Paper 1, Commerce Group Paper 1, Agriculture Group Paper 1, Fishery Group Paper 1Education (A), Skill Subjects
March 2025Psychology (A/B/C)
March 2025Vocational Bifocal courses paper 2, Commerce group paper 2, Agriculture Group Paper 2, Fishery Group Paper 2Occupational Orientation
March 2025Geography (A/B/C)
March 2025History (A/B/C)
March 2025Defence Studies (A/B/C)
March 18, 2025Sociology (A/B/C)

Download Class 12th Maharashtra State Board Syllabus 2024-25 PDF 

Subjects2024-25 Syllabus
Environment EducationDownload
Mathematics & StatisticsDownload
Political ScienceDownload
History of Art & AppreciationDownload

Class 12th Maharashtra Board Science Syllabus 2024-25

Class 12 Maharashtra State Board Maths Syllabus 2024-25

Math is a subject that requires continuous practice. Students are advised to solve questions daily. If students find difficulties in solving questions, then they should consult their teacher.

The table below mentions the Maharashtra State Board 12th syllabus of Maths:

Relation and functions
  1. Relations & Functions
  2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
AlgebraMatrices and Determinants
  1. Continuity and Differentiability
  2. Applications of Derivatives
  3. Integrals
  4. Applications of the Integrals
  5. Differential Equations
Vectors and three-dimensional geography
  1. Vectors
  2. 3 Dimensional Geometry
Linear programmingLinear Programming

Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Syllabus 2024-25

Physics is a conceptual-based subject. Therefore, students must have clear concepts of each topic to excel in the exams.

In the table below, we have mentioned the reduced physics syllabus of the Maharashtra 12th board. 

Current electricity7
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism10
Electromagnetic induction and current7
Electromagnetic waves4
Dual nature of matter5
Atoms and nuclei7
Electronic devices7
Total marks70

Class 12 Maharashtra State Board Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25

Check out the complete Chemistry syllabus of the 12th HSC board.

Solid-stateClassification of solids, a unit cell in 2 & 3-dimensional lattices, calculation of density, voids, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties, Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors, insulators, and n-p type semiconductors.
Solutions and colligative propertiesTypes of solutions, the concentration of solids in liquids, Raoult’s law elevation of boiling point, the solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, etc
Chemical thermodynamics and energeticWork, heat, energy, First law of thermodynamics, Hess’ law of constant heat summation, extensive and intensive properties, enthalpy of bond dissociation, Second and third law of thermodynamics, etc
ElectrochemistryKohlrausch’s Law, lead accumulator, dry cell –electrolytic and galvanic cells, EMF, fuel cells, Nernst equation
Chemical kineticsActivation energy, rate law and specific rate constant, Arrhenius equation, the concept of collision theory, etc
General principles and process of isolation of elementsPrinciples and methods of extraction, reduction electrolytic method, and refining
P block elementsGroup 15 elements, Group 16 elements, Classification of oxides, Group 17 elements, Group 18 elements, etc.
D and f block elementsLanthanide, Actinoids, first-row transition metals, interstitial compounds, alloy formation
Coordination compoundsIUPAC nomenclature, Werner’s theory, coordination number, magnetic properties, VBT, CFT. isomerism,
Halogen derivatives of alkanesHaloalkanes, Haloarenes, the stability of carbocations, d-l, and R-S configurations.
Alcohols, phenols, and ethersNomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc
Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acidsNomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc
Organic compounds containing nitrogenAmines, Diazonium salts, Cyanides, isocyanides, etc
BiomoleculesCarbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic acids, etc
PolymersClassification, methods of polymerization, copolymerization, polythene, bakelite, nylon, polyesters, rubber, Biodegradable, non-biodegradable polymers.
Chemistry in everyday lifeChemicals in medicines, Chemicals in food, Cleansing agents

Class 12 Maharashtra HSC Biology Syllabus 2024-25

Biology is a theory-based subject. Students should make notes and should practice diagrams. The detailed syllabus for the Maharashtra State Board syllabus for biology is mentioned below. 

  1. Reproduction in organisms
  2. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
  3. Human Reproduction
  4. Reproductive health
Genetics and evolution
  1. Heredity and variation
  2. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  3. Evolution
Biology and human welfare
  1. Human Health and Disease
  2. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
  3. Microbes in human welfare
Biotechnology and its application
  1. Biotechnology: Principles and processes
  2. Biotechnology and its applications
Ecology and environment
  1. Organisms and populations
  2. Ecosystem
  3. Biodiversity and Conservation
  4. Environmental issues

Class 12 Maharashtra State Board English Syllabus 2024-25

In English, students will be evaluated based on reading, writing, and English grammar skills. The 12th curriculum of English subjects are: 

  1. Tenses
  2. Types of sentences
  3. Clauses
  4. Reported speech
  5. Prepositions
  6. Word formation
  7. Infinitives
  8. Gerunds and Participles
  9. Linking words/discourse markers

Syllabus of Class 12 Maharashtra Board Commerce 2024-25

Maharashtra HSC 12th Syllabus 2024-25 of Book-Keeping and Accountancy

Bookkeeping and accountancy are practical subjects. Students are advised to practice questions as much as they can. The detailed Maharashtra State Board syllabus is given below.

  1. Introduction to Partnership
  2. Partnership Final Accounts
  3. Reconstitution of Partnership
  4. Dissolution of Partnership Firm
  5. Accounts of “Not for Profit” concerns
  6. Single entry system
  7. Bill of Exchange (Only Trade Bill)
  8. Company Accounts
  9. Analysis of financial statements
  10. Accounting for shares

HSC Economics Syllabus of Class 12th

For economics, students are advised to learn theories and make notes. The Economics syllabus for the 12th exams are: 

  1. Introduction to Microeconomics
  2. Consumers behaviour
  3. Analysis of Supply
  4. Types of Market & Price Determination
  5. Factors of Production
  6. Introduction to Macroeconomics
  7. National Income
  8. Determinants of Aggregates
  9. Money
  10. Commercial Bank
  11. Central Bank
  12. Public Economics

To download the pdf of Class 12 Economics books, students can go to this page. Here, we have mentioned the PDFs for the 12th Eco books in English and Hindi.

Syllabus of Class 12 Maharashtra Board Arts (2024-25)

Class 12 Maharashtra State Board Syllabus 2024-25 of Sociology

  1. Formation of Indian Society
  2. Segments of Indian Society
  3. Social Institutions in India
  4. Major Social Problems in India
  5. National Integration
  6. Social Change in India
  7. Social reformers in India
  8. Globalization and Mass Media

Maharashtra State Board Political Science Syllabus

Part 1-Indian Constitution: Characteristics

  1. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, and Fundamental Duties.
  2. Legislature: Parliament. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Lawmaking process, Amendment procedure State legislature: Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad
  3. Executive: President – Election, Power and Functions Vice President – Election, Power and Functions Prime Minister and Council of Ministers – Election.

Part 2- Politics in India

  1. Patterns of Party Competition
    1. One-party dominant system
    2. Towards the multi-party system
  2. Political and Social Movements
    1. Nature of social movement
    2. Role of movements in a democratic system
    3. Examples of movements, etc.

Steps to Download Maharashtra State Board 12th Syllabus PDF 2024-25

  1. Visit the official website of the Maharashtra Board.
  2. Click on the “Subjects and Syllabus Menu” and select “HSC General Subject Codes and Syllabus”. 
  3. Click the download button to download the pdf file of the Maharashtra board syllabus for future reference.

Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Subjects 2024-25

Before starting the preparation, students must know the subjects that they have to study in class 12th. Therefore, we have mentioned all the subjects for the different streams.

12th Arts Subjects of Maharashtra board

Compulsory SubjectsElective Subjects
  1. A Modern Indian Language
  2. A Modern Foreign Language
  3. Sanskrit
  4. Ardhamagadhi
  5. Pali
  6. Arabic
  7. Persian
  8. Avesta-Pahlavi
  9. History
  10. Geography
  11. Mathematics and Statistics
  12. Political Science
  13. Child Development
  14. Textile
  15. Sociology
  16. Philosophy
  17. Logic
  18. Psychology
  19. Economics
  20. Defense Studies
  21. Drawing
  22. Design and Colour
  23. Composition
  24. History of Art & Appreciation
  25. History and Development of Indian Music
  26. Vocal Light Music (Practical I)
  27. Vocal Classical Music (Practical II)
  28. Instrumental Music (Practical III) or
  29. Percussion
  30. European Music
  31. Historical Development of Indian Classical Dance
  32. Book-Keeping & Accountancy
  33. Co-operation
  34. Information Technology
  35. English Literature
Modern Indian Language or Modern Foreign Language or Classical Language
Environment Education
Health and Physical Education Elective Subjects

Maharashtra Board HSC 12th Subjects of Commerce

Compulsory SubjectsElective Subjects
  1. Mathematics and statistics
  2. Economics
  3. Geography
  4. Book-keeping and Accountancy
  5. Organization of Commerce and Management
  6. Mathematics and Statistics
  7. Secretarial Practice
  8. Co-operation
  9. Occupational Orientation
  10. Defence Studies
  11. English Literature
  12. Information Technology
Modern Indian Language or Modern Foreign Language or Classical Language
Environment Education
Health and Physical Education Elective Subjects

12th Science Subjects List Maharashtra Board

There are a total of 18 subjects in the Science stream of the Maharashtra Board. These are:

Compulsory SubjectsElective Subjects
  1. Mathematics and Statistics
  2. Geology
  3. Child Development
  4. Textile
  5. Psychology
  6. Economics
  7. Geography
  8. Defence-Studies
  9. Physics
  10. Chemistry
  11. Biology
  12. Agriculture Science and Technology
  13. Animal Science and Technology
  14. Sociology
  15. Sanskrit
  16. Education
  17. Information Technology
  18. English literature.
Modern Indian Language or Modern Foreign Language or Classical Language
Environment Education
Health and Physical Education Elective Subjects

Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Marking Scheme and Weightage 2024-25

Maharashtra Board allots marks on the basis of two categories: Theoretical and Practical. The Marking Scheme of Maharashtra Board HSC class 12 2024-25 of a few subjects is explained below.

English 100 (80+20)
Mathematics and Statistics 100 (80+ 20)
Chemistry 100 (70+ 30)
Physics 100 (70+ 30)
Biology 100 (70+ 30)

Maharashtra Board Exam Pattern 2024-25

  1. Students appearing for the Maharashtra HSC class 12th exam will have to opt for 2 languages. 
  2. The questions asked in the Maharashtra board exam for class 12th will be from the latest syllabus only.
  3. Maharashtra board exam is of 100 marks; 80 marks are allotted for theory and 20 marks for practical/ projects.

Tips to Prepare for Class 12 Maharashtra Board Exam 2024-25

The tips to prepare for the Maharashtra board class 12th exam 2024-25 are as follows:

  1. Go through the class 12 Maharashtra Board syllabus thoroughly.
  2. Refer to books in which all the topics are given in simple language.
  3. Make a daily routine and devote most of your time to studying.
  4. Make notes, solve questions, and also the previous year’s question papers.
  5. Complete the class 12 Maharashtra state board syllabus before time so that you have enough time for preparations.
  6. Students must avoid distractions and stress. 

About VSI Jaipur

VSI Jaipur provides the best 12th commerce classes for Accounts, Maths, BST and Economics subjects. By taking tuition from VSI, you can build solid concepts and get high grades in your 12th board exams. Further, if you aspire to become a CA, you can join our coaching classes and clear the CA exams on the first attempt. VSI Jaipur is the best CA Coaching in India and our students have scored the ever-highest marks in CA IPCC, Intermediate and Final exams. Moreover, our 7 students got AIR 1 in the last 10 years.

Further, we also provide the best CMA and ACCA coaching classes for all levels. So, join VSI Jaipur’s online or offline classes to get the best class 12th result and build a strong foundation for CA/CMA/ACCA.


Q 1. From where can students download the reduced Maharashtra Board HSC class 12 Syllabus 2024-25?

Ans: Students can download the reduced syllabus from the official website of the Maharashtra Board. 

Q 2. Is the Maharashtra and CBSE Board syllabus the same?

Ans: Yes, the syllabus of both boards is almost the same. However, the topics mentioned in the CBSE syllabus are in a bit more detail. 

Q 3. Has the Maharashtra State Board reduced the 2024-25 syllabus?

Ans: The Maharashtra State Board reduced the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 because of the pandemic. Due to the pandemic, classes are not conducted properly. To reduce the pressure on the students, the Maharashtra Board has decided to reduce 25% of the 2024-25 syllabus. 

Q 4. What are the minimum passing marks for the Maharashtra board class 12th exam 2024-25?

Ans: Minimum passing marks for Maharashtra board class 12th exam 2024-25 is 35 percent.

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