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Quick Revision Tips for CA Intermediate September 2024 Exams

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Do you know that regular studies, as well as regular revision, are vital for achieving success in the CA Intermediate exam? Without regular revision, students soon start forgetting what they have studied in the past. With so many acts, formulae, theories, and statistics embedded in the CA Inter 2024 exam, it becomes quintessential to have a few quick revision tips in mind.

Related: How To Prepare For Intermediate Exams During Study Leaves?

We share with you 9 very helpful revision tips for this prestigious exam that is on its way! Follow a few or all of these tips, and you will be glad to know that you have confidently revised your entire CA Inter syllabus in time!

Important Note: The CA Intermediate September 2024 exams will be conducted from 12 September to 23 September 2024. Students can check the exam dates from the CA inter September 2024 exam dates and the CA Intermediate admit card.

Furthermore, you can also check the complete details of CA Intermediate Registration.

1. Plan Intelligent Revision

The first secret to success in the CA Intermediate exam is hard work, regular studies and an intelligent revision plan that is followed without any breaks. If you will do so from the beginning you will never be disappointed in their CA Intermediate result. Plan your revision as per the following three categories

  • Daily Revision – This category includes revising all matter that has been read in a day. The best time is the night time as then you can go through all that you have studied in the day! So do this before going to sleep every night.
  • Weekly Revision – Decide one day of the week for weekly revision. Keep a separate register that provides a quick glimpse of what chapters have been covered in a particular week. Revise all those chapters in just one day by going through the summaries and short notes.
  • Monthly Revision – As this is the most elaborate part of the revision, you will have to take out at least a week’s time for this category of revision. First, note down how many and which chapters have to be covered in this one week. Divide all the chapters into seven days so that all topics get equal attention and time.

Check the CA Intermediate exam pattern and marking scheme of all the subjects.

    Get all the details about the CA Intermediate Course

    2. Revise the Entire Syllabus Initially And Finally

    We recommend an initial and final revision because this is not a one-time process. Rather, it has to be done several times. Therefore, keep revising the entire CA Intermediate syllabus from the very beginning. Also, keep an entire month separately for revision only.

    3. Revise Your Own Notes Too

    Do you know why note-making is recommended by many institutes and experienced mentors? The simple reason is that the notes prepared in your own handwriting are easy to remember. Moreover, every person has a different style for summarizing lessons. Hence, keep making notes regularly and also, keep revising them.

    4. Decide a Time Frame of Revision for Each Subject

    Name any subject of the CA Intermediate exam. Be it Law, Economics, Accounts or anyone else don’t you think that every subject needs to be revised? Therefore, the point is to decide a specific time for each subject. Also, you can give more time to tough subjects and less time to those which you find easy!

    5. Decide Which Book to Revise During Exam Time

    All candidates appearing for the CA Intermediate exam should make it clear that revision time is very precious. Hence, it should not be wasted upon searching books or notes for revision. Plan ahead of which books or study material will be consulted by you during the period of revision.

    This will help you save time that can be utilized efficiently for revision. Keep only a single book for revision for every subject. We advise all students to give priority to the CA interstudy material and then refer to some other material.

    Also Read: Best Tips on Time Management to Crack CA Intermediate Exams

    6. Revise the Easier Part First

    If you are wondering about this suggestion, let us clarify it! In fact, when you read and revise the easier topics first, you cover many topics in less time.

    Hence, you feel confident as well as relaxed because of the complete portion of the syllabus. Reading easier parts first also leads to time-saving that can be used later for revising the tough subjects or areas.

    7. Do Not Miss Any Revision Opportunity

    There are many institutes, places, and teachers that can help you with the quick and easy revision of the CA Intermediate exam syllabus. Therefore, do not miss any such opportunity.

    Revising from various sources will not only help you understand and remember things in a better way but will also let you catch certain points that you might have missed in your own personal revision schedule!

    8. Take Help from Online Revision Sources

    Did you know there are certain online destinations, too, that help you revise your syllabus for the CA Intermediate exam easily and suitably? Finding such sources is also beneficial as it saves time and allows you to grasp more in less time.

    9. Stay Focused During Revision 

    Last but not least, whenever you are revising, stay focused. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on what you are reading and revising. Good concentration helps you remember things for a long period of time and revision definitely strengthens your command over what you have learned.

    10. Solve CA Intermediate Question Papers and Mock Test Papers

    Practising with the CA Intermediate mock test papers will also help you in doing revisions. As the mock tests cover the 100% syllabus, so by giving the mock test papers, you’ll go through some important and frequently asked questions.

    The CA Inter exam form for the September 2024 session is available now. Students can fill out the exam form from the ICAI official website.

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